She Said, She Said
Hosted by Pam Prior, Author, Speaker, and CFO, alongside Deb Reinhard, Chopra Certified and Master Life Coach, She Said, She Said is your go-to podcast for navigating the whirlwind of life, business, and everything in between.
Each week, Pam and Deb dive headfirst into the beautiful chaos that is life, with insights that balance both the business and the soul. From lighthearted arguments to stirring the pot on hot topics, they bring both wit and wisdom to the table.
Join them as they explore the intersections of professional and personal growth, all while keeping things real—and probably having a few laughs along the way.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
She Said, She Said
S1E6: Recipes, Pam’s Nest, and the Mandela Effect?!?
This week, Deb and Pam chat about the Mandela Effect and some of the weirdest things we all seem to misremember from pop culture and everyday life. We’ll also swap a few recipes, talk about date night, and hear all about Pam’s "nest."
So, kick back, relax, and enjoy hanging out with us!
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
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No. Yeah, it was guys heads with different fruits. No, no, no. Yes. It was on the commercial. Not on the commercial, on the underwear. Oh, you mean actually in underwear? That I don't know. No, there's. I never had fruit. I never had fruit in the underwear. We were all girls in our house. There's no basket. Yeah, there's no basket. But the ad had a basket of guys heads wrapped in fruit. Don't you remember the ad? I can't say that I do. I can't say that I do. Anybody remember the ad? They did know. It didn't. And welcome back to she said. She said. I am Pam Pryor, author, speaker, CFO, cash Flow podcast host, and I balance the books. Oh, God, I can't even. I don't even know how to respond to that. I'm Deb Ryan hard. I am a life coach, meditation teacher, certified by Deepak Topra and the INLP center. And most of the time, I balance Pam. So every week we dive, as you know, into different topics. Business, home, kids, dogs, and just kind of tackle what happens in life for long married couples. Yeah. And sometimes you might catch a really good, like, spirited argument, possibly. I wonder what trouble we can get in today. I wonder what our producers have lined up for us. Bring it on. I'm ready. Well, first, did you cook the chicken? Yes. Yes, I cooked the chicken. But you said you were going to cook the chicken, Pam. I did not cook the chicken. I cooked the chicken. I did not. And it was very good. It was really, really good. And it was cooked while I was on calls. So, like, to be fair, I didn't have an option to cook the chicken. Cause it would have been time for you to cook the chicken, Pam. Cause you're on calls until all hours of the day or night. That just happens. Just telling you that just happened. But I smelled the chicken being cooked. Does that count as contributing? Did you set the table? No, she did nothing. Did you do the dishes? No, she did not do that either. There were a lot of calls that night. There really were. And I always offer, but this time you just did it and, like, it was done before you sat down. I liked, again, clean as you go. Yeah. So by the time the dinner is on the table, most of the dishes are either cleaned up or in the dishwasher. So there was nothing to help with. But it was good chicken. We like a good baked chicken thigh. I do it well. That was a good. And it was a good. What was the spice you put on it? Okay, so the secret for it was a little bit of brown sugar. Cause it caramelizes all of the spices onto the chicken. Very interesting. Because I. When I cook, I basically use salt, pepper. I know you do. Butter. Now, we. There were many different spices. There was a lot of spice on. It was good. Yeah, it was very good. But it was a. Like, you'd probably never be able to create it again. Yes, I could. Did you write it down? No, but I know what website I got it from. Oh. And you didn't alter it with your deb thing that you sometimes do? I did not. Okay. Then you could recreate it. Yeah. Because usually you will admit with recipes I do. I will say, God, that was great. And I'll never get it the same way twice. Cause you experiment. Cause most of my. Most of the times, I'm playing around with things. Yeah. And recipes are meant to be followed. For baking, for everything. No. Why is it written as a. As instructions? Because it gives you its guidance. It's more of a guideline, you know? Do you know, kind of like those speed limit signs. There's also a guideline. All right, I get you. I hear you. So, yes, we had the chicken, and it was delicious. I love it. Let's continue with the recipe, because that's literally one of the topics that we have. The recipe is never cooked the same way. Oh, okay. It's true. Let's just keep that. That conversation, really. So I'm trying to remember and I forget what it was because I've never had it twice. But there was something we. One of the regular meals that we did back when. In the day when we would literally. Grade the recipes, we were grading recipes that was. And you tweaked one of them. Oh, I know what it was. It was for the pizza. You used to make pizza. I was going to say that the spinach and feta pizza. It had spinach feta. Onion, maybe? Yeah, it did have onion and spinach feta. But, like, one night it came out, like, absolutely perfect, and you had done something different. Rosemary. I put Rosemary in the. In the pizza dough. There you go. That's what it was. But you never made that the same way twice. You made it. You got a bit close, but hold on. But it was never that. I get. You know what I don't mean. So, in fairness, I don't measure for that pizza. So that I. That's. That's probably true. But the other thing was. I mean, that was our first home, you know, that was the cottage. Yeah. And I don't think anything ever could come out. Exactly. It was an old oven. It was an old oven. We'll blame it. Oven. We prayed for that oven every time we. That is true. But it was all right. I'll give you that. That's like when I used to work at tasty cake and the ovens were the 50 year old ovens. And I still am convinced that's why they used to taste so good. They probably did, you know, they tasted better then. It had more. It just had depth of flavor. And now. Well, I will now, it's very sanitary. There you go. Now, it's very sanitary. Not to imply in the early two thousands, it wasn't sanitary. I love to experiment with. I love to experiment with recipes. I won't do it for baking, because baking, if you get that stuff out. Of whack, you're screwed. You're messed up. But when you're doing food, like, trying. Different flavors, see, food to you is art. Food, to me, is science. That's why I like it. Plain and simple. I like my minute rice. It's always going to be the same way. It's got to be the same thing. I like my steak cooked the same way. Salt and pepper. And you'll put on all these different spices and sometimes they're good, but, like, it can't be recreated. Now, tell me, the last time that I did a steak for you, was that not a delicious steak? It was very good. Don't even. It was very good. It was fabulous. You messed with it a little bit. You messed with it. But I did all the things. Like, I actually took the. Took the meat out, like, at least followed all the rules beforehand to bring it up to room temperature, salted the crap out of it. All good so far. And then, yes, I used Montreal steak seasoning sauce. There we go. It was good. It was. It was fabulous. Don't get me wrong. And I will never complain when you put food in front of my face. Well, yes, I will. Clearly. Yes, you will. Later I will. But there's still nothing like. And I say the same thing about pork chops. Yeah. Everything. If you just salt and pepper and. Cook it, you're just perfect. Palate is the palate of a three. Year old, but it's. But it's not. It just knows what it likes and. Likes to repeat the palate of a three year old. I just like a nice, clean. I like to know, like, minute rice, you know, the taste you're gonna get every time. It's kind of like McDonald's hamburger, which I don't recommend. Don't get me wrong. I know. I don't want to fire everybody up about McDonald's, but you always know exactly what you're going to get. It's true. And there's just, there's. I do it at restaurants, too. I order the same thing over and over. I don't. I'm not a fan of indian food with all those spices. I never try indian food. I know you've tried. You've tried a couple things. No, Lindsay sat me down and had me try, like eight things, and I did not like one of them. You're broken. I don't know what to tell you. I like salt and pepper. That's because you need to train your palate. You need to try things. Let's discuss that. Yeah. If I'm perfectly happy with my palate, and I love all, and I love everything I eat, why do I have to train it to like something different? Because your palate is exceptionally limited. So the people who have limited, who have a more refinery. Oh, that's not refined. It is restricted. Refined. And so the people who eat with you are very limited in terms of where we can go. Every time we go, we have to think, is there just plain meat and potatoes? How hard a question is that to ask? Can I get just plain food? Can I get food? Just food? You can always get food with sauces. And spices and all the things so. You can experience a culture when you go to eat. It's wonderful. I do that. Yes. I do that with brazilian steak because guess what? Salt and a grill. I know. And there's something magical about the way Eric, who's dad. Yeah, that is absolutely true. And brings it around on a plate while it's still hot, fresh off the grill. Yeah. My mouth swattering. Already thinking about that. So I guess what we're really kind of saying is, I like to revisit things I already like, and I like. To try new things. There you go. This is what these diversities, I won't call them discrepancies. Diversities are what make for a beautiful relationship. Yes. There we go. Separate restaurants, but beautiful relationship. Yeah. We found the joy of doordash. But I still, I gotta say, like, despite all of that, right? Despite the convenience of doordash, to be able to say, oh, you can order from wherever you want, blah, blah. And this is not a pitch for doordash, because we use doordash. Uber eats. You know, we use them. We use them all. I miss going to a restaurant and sitting down with somebody over. Over a common menu in a common space without a computer in their lab. It is. It's a way of eating that. I do mess. We did that recently. Yeah, we went to Ruth's. Chris, what was that? What was that? Forget what we were celebrating. Oh, you got your. One of your certifications. One of your 10,000 certifications. Finished my master's certification. That was it. Yep. But we do it for breakfast every Saturday. Yes. We do a, you know, at the table with people Saturday over the same menu. But. But I do think. And we have. I should admit here, confess. We have fallen through on something. Yeah. Our date nights. We committed that. No exception. Date nights. And we screwed up poorly. All right, so recommit. Keep this promise. Here's how we're gonna recon. We're gonna recommit. And next. The next time we tape, we have to tell what our date night. Where we left for date night. And we might have to report on date night every time we film just to make sure we are truly held accountable to it. Oh, date night recap. It's not even like, I don't like date night. We could do a little bit of restaurant. We could do some restaurant reviews. Reviews. There you go. I like that. That'd be fun. But I don't want to give people the idea that it's not like we're like, oh, I don't want to go out on a date with you. It's just, we get into it gets busy. It gets busy, and then it's late, but we have to just plan it. Date night's like one of those things. I read a great meme the other day. It's like, yep, I'm the person who puts plans on the calendar and then immediately regrets it, but then have a great time when I do the plans, it's like, it's one of those, you know, like, oh, yeah, we're gonna do that. Then you're like, oh, crap, we're gonna do that. I have to get up. I have to get dressed. I gotta do this. And then it's like, oh, this is great. We should do it more often. Yeah, that's kind of the. We always have a good time. I think the issue is, quite frankly, because we were. Because we're at home, Covid really had. An impact on us, too. Covid was a mess because we got used to it, and. But I think we also got used to being home. Yeah, I agree. That's what I mean. And. And the idea of going out, like, for any purpose, it's like, it's like. Seriously, there is some psychological shit going on there. I mean, I'm starting to train myself to go back to the grocery store because since COVID started, we instacarted our grocery time. And I'm like, this has got to stop. Yeah. You know, I'm spending, you know, 20, $30 in a grocery tip. Yeah, I got. That makes sense. Grocery shopping. That is true. And I think that is a big part. I think it did get worse since the pandemic. At least I think. I think the pandemic made it work. But I also. I also wonder if there isn't something about working from home that adds to it. Adds to it because you're. You're just in the space. You know what I mean? And so getting up to go out is a thing. You know what? When you used to get up in the morning, you get showered, you go to work, you know, you're up and out. You're already up and out. So there's this Con. This ability to kind of move that. Actually has a lot of interesting connotations and maybe think of another topic for another episode, which is how we use the house. Okay. And, like, how. And the reason I mention it is because I have a gorgeous office, studio office. And I like to work in the chair in the family room, which I. Hate that you work in the chair. So that's one of the. That's a good Topic for next time. Yes. Cause I actually work better in my office anyway. That's not true. I work great in both spots, but. Yeah, but you always find that your brain is. I feel more physically active and I. Feel much more engaged when you're upstairs. Yep. Interesting. We want to go see Deadpool and Wolverine. Yeah, and we'll go. I thought you already saw that. No, they watched a bunch of the clips. We watched the clips. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which were hysterical. And now we're watching. And now we're watching the show. Welcome to. Welcome to Wrexham. Yep. Oh, it's so good. I actually had dreams of soccer last night. I actually had soccer dreams. And no spoiler, because we've not watched it. We don't know if they actually moved through the leagues or not. So no spoilers allowed in the comments anywhere or from the producers here. Director producers. Did you watch it? Nope, nope, nope. I don't want to know because it's like. It's like not knowing which gender your child's going to be. This is like one of those things. I don't know how it turns out. So that's kind of fun to actually live in real life. And it's real. It's not make believe. Okay, so the next date would be Wolverine versus Deadpool. Yes. Do you have a date in mind? It's got to be the weekend. This weekend. It's got to be Saturday. We're already. No, Saturday. We can't do Saturdays because Saturday's the family breakfast day. I don't. We'll do this dinner time. Do you feel like doing. I feel like two things in one day. Two things in one day. Are you really gonna say that? Two things in one day? That seems a little extravagant. You're right. That that's kind of pushing it. Maybe Sunday we go. Maybe Sunday we go. Because God forbid we do two things in one day. I want a selfie on Sunday night of you guys at the movie. Okay. All right. I just want to say, you know, that's a deal. There. It is a thing with. When we have dogs to try to. That's a piece of cake. We can time the movie nicely in between medicines. Oh, time them. Time the movie. Well, thanks, Wen. That's perfect, because I can give Diego his medicine before we go. There you go. All right. 650. Oh, my God, deb, we won't get home till, like, nine. Movie theater snacks. You know what? That's late. We don't have a lot of, like. No, I will say, back in the day, I loved raisinets. You loved what? Raisinet. I'm Goobers. I was Goobers. I did not like raisinets. Raisin with chocolate. What's your movie snack? I do whoppers in popcorn, and then I get the nerd's gummy clusters. Those are, like, my favorite. In popcorn? No, not the gummy clusters, but the chocolate in the popcorn that I get because chocolate and salt are great. All right. When what's yours? Oh, mine was whoppers. Mine was plain whoppers. Or goobers. Goobers and raisinets. How did that song go? I know. Do you know the Goobers and raisins treats? Raisinets and goobers. They're wonderful to eat. That's it. I know. That's it. And I was always the Goobers because I don't like mushy things in chocolate. That's fruit and chocolate, which is a whole nother episode. Yes, they're nonpareils. Yes. With a little. With a little. With a little. With the little, like, little balls. It's a nonpareil. It's a nonparrel. My grandmother, my nana, when we would go to her house, she had a cut crystal bowl on her coffee table with the snowballs. The first thing you did when you went into rats was you ran and you opened it up, and there would be either the. Just the nonpareils that just have the white, which I think were dark chocolate with the little white balls. And then I think it was milk chocolate that had the multicolored balls. I just, like, I have that, like that memory of going into her house and always, you know. Did she. Did she fill up the bowl? Yeah. Oh, that's fun. No, now there are theaters. That's where we should go do this. I want. I want to go to one of the theaters that does the food, where you have dinner and you sit and you order dinner and. Dinner theater. Yep. I did one of those in North Carolina. It was so much fun. Oh, see, that's what I. That's what I hear generally, is that it's just. Okay. Oh, no, this was like a restaurant. Restaurant there. I think they have one around here. That's not just movie food. Yeah, movie food. As if that's a thing. Are we boring you, Diego? There was a sound over there. Okay. There was a sound over there, so I caught. Me too. Oh, we could turn that off. He knew he smelled something cool. Well, we have two more topics lined up for future episodes now. Excellent. Is a date. Date night's a date. Yeah. I gotta go check out one of those thingies. The theaters that we talked about. Yeah. There's one near us. There's one in the fashion. The fashion district just has alcohol. Yeah, that's not the fashion district. Oh, okay. No, like, I don't know. I just want a really nice movie watching experience. I love it when the seats recline. Yeah. We finally found a good movie. Like, for a really long time during COVID Kyle would only let me choose one movie a year that she would go to with me, and I had. To go to everything else, like, by myself. But now that we found one, that's, like, not ridiculously busy, and it's, like, old school. Oh, neat. Nice. That is what went. One movie a year. It's sad. Well, I thought you meant she only. Wants to go to the movie theater. Oh, no. Once a year. He only gets a date once a year at the movies. I like it. Oh, gosh, that was hard. So I have this chair in the family room. We've talked about it before that when I pull the velcro out, all the things fall out of it, because it's. Every night I do that just to clean up but I like a good recliner. Yes. And we had a recliner there that was really old. Like, it was one of the first pieces of furniture we ever bought. Yeah. And manual recliner. Boom. And I do everything. I watch tv there. I work there. When people over, I talk. Literally spend. I live in that chair a day, like. Like some of those, you know. Oh, like Archie Bunker. You are in that chair like Archie Bunker. Yes. Go ahead. You know what? You're right. Only his didn't recline. This was just a straight set up. Might have been a recliner. It was a straight set up chair. Or at least he may not have reclined it. Oh, but it might have been a recliner. Maybe that's it. I'm Archie bunkering. But, God, I hope not. Although Carol O'Connor was a good guy. Absolutely. He just played an asshole on tv. Just play the trouble disturbed person on tv. But back to the important thing here. So I love this chair, but it was old and it was broken a little bit. I'm tired of the chair. The chair had, like, holes in it from the dogs. Yeah, it was. Well, we bought that chair. It was. Well, living in fairness, we bought that chair. That chair was the last piece. It's actually sitting over here. Yeah, there it is. You have to get a picture of that, Francis. That's the story. That was the last piece of La Z boy furniture that we had gotten when I was pregnant with Lindsay. So for 26 years old. 25. 26 years old, I think that's a long time to have a piece of furniture in your space. Yeah. Now that said, yeah, it's a great chair. It was a great. And we went back and forth for months on, well, do we just recover it? Restuff the cushion, blah, blah, blah. And now that I realize it's sitting right there, I may go back to doing that, because what to doing what? Recovering it. It needs to be fixed now. Because now you let. You kept letting the dog sit on the. Oh, that's right. That even the foot thing. So I think now you have to have the mechanism. But anyway, we had to get a new one at some point. And you broke. At one point, I think when I broke the chair. When the dog getting. When the dog. Yes, when Diego does climb up. That's the other thing about the nest. Diego climbs up on my lap. Here's the hard thing, is that that chair had to be rated for, like, 300 plus pounds because of all the dogs. And I mean, the dogs, you know, a hundred pounds. And there are times when there are two dogs. Go on, Murph. Walk time. Time for your walk, buddy. Going upstairs. He looks. He looks a little like. No, I don't want to. You wanna go for a walk? There you go, Murphy. Come on. Go get her. Go get her. Oh, wow. Had to convince him he was not about it. He was like you this morning. He likes being in that little spot. He does. He was like you this morning. I don't want to get up. I don't want to get up. I don't want to get up. It's very rare that I do that, like, because I was up with you. Got up, then I was up again, and then I went back to sleep. Then I was up again, then the alarm went off, and I said, I. Got to actually lie. No, I'm going to just lie here. I fell back asleep, and then when I woke up, I'm like, alex, what time is it? You whispered to her because you were whispered to her. Because I. Because then she whispers back to me, and she said to me, she goes, it's 727. I'm like, oh. Your relationship with Alexa is somewhat troubling, but that's beside the point. I love her. We can talk about that. We'll cover that on another day. But anyway, so we had to get a new chair. That was harder to do than I thought. Very hard to find. And now that it's there, I'm like, oh, next time, we're gonna blah, blah, blah. So it had to be rated for weight because I'm in it. Diego climbs up on me with it. And you've both animals, you've had both dogs. So that's one thing I thought I wanted electric. Yes. And that's the other thing. And then it needed to recline a certain amount, because I will. Like, when I've had surgeries and stuff, I literally live in the chair. So it really is a nest. I've got a table here with all sorts of things, and I have the hearth over here with all sorts of things, which makes you crazy. But, like, I literally could live there. I eat there, I work there, I sleep there. I do there a lot. It's crazy and it's cozy. It's crazy, and it's cozy. It occurs to me that you get up in the morning, and there I am. Yes. And then you do your things, and there I am. And then you come back or whatever, and there I am. You get ready for bed, and you're still in the chair. Yep. And then I go upstairs, and it is. It really is. It's just so cozy. It's like an even narrower, like, definition of home. Like, it's like I'm a homebody. And you know what? I would be. I would be less offended. Offended. I would be less offended by that if, quite frankly, you somehow, through the magic of. I don't know what, could avoid having pen marks all over the chair. Because this chair is in our living room. It is the space that we entertain in. And now I find myself needing to cover that chair because there are marks. Pen marks all over it. And if anybody has any great ideas for how to get ink. Oh, yeah. Out of. Out of its microfiber. So I. Yeah, we get. Didn't we get special, super easy to clean stuff? Yes. To take care of the dogs, not to take care of a woman who cannot keep her pet ends to herself, crying out loud. It's one thing. Like, you, seriously, you go into the nest and if you. If you put your hands down the side. Oh, yeah, that's. It's crumbs. It's gross. I'm constantly having to vacuum. Vacuum in there. Yeah, it's. It's. It's worse than a toddler in a. In a. In a car. It is pretty bad, but you can't see it, so it's okay. I see the. I see the pen. Well, the pen. Yeah. That is. That is a challenge. If you do know how to get pen out of. If we need to, like, chat GPG. That I need to look at. What do you do if a 62 year old woman writes on your couch? How do you get it out? Stop. Stop. The answer would be, leave the woman. You need to stop. This is why it's so much better when you're up in your office. Because the way that this happens in your office, it's true. So why should you be allowed to make everything messy in my living room? Yeah, that's fair. And I do like working in my office. I'm not making any more pledges, though. We've already pledged to date nighthouse. I'm not going to be pledging. I'm going to work in my office. But I am going to tell you I like my office. I'm going to give it a run. Because here's the thing. It's fall. Not yet. My sister's very offended that people are. Calling it fall in September. It's late summer going into fall, and I want to start walking. Walking. So on nice days, I can walk outside, and on crappy days, I can walk on my treadmill, which is in my office, which goes up and down my desk. So, you know, I can play with things. I can. Yeah. Whiteboard. I. Yeah. We gave that whole space. And I love it. And I love it. And I love my nest. It's fair. I'm torn. I understand torn. But this way I get both. Well, and you can have the living. Because the other. The other thing I was thinking the other day. Uh oh. Uh oh. This is when it leads with that she's planning something. I can't believe you're initiating a carpet bombing on the air. I'm going to initiate a carpet. This is how she gets things her. Way, by the way. It always starts with, I was thinking. Well, this is what I was thinking. And I know. Oh, my God. The last time this happened, you got rid of my leather couch. It took you a year, but it started with, stop. I love that couch. The dogs destroyed that couch. I love that couch, Pam. I truly love that couch. It had to go. That's not point. That's not when there are holes in it. Because you're like, love is a decision you make every day. Because this is what she does. This is what she does with her things. She's like too tired to play with the dog, so she holds the bone right here. Let me just hold the bone here for him while he's chewing it and manages to chew a hole through the couch. Was that patches? No. No. Tally. But all I can say. Don't. Just don't. Anyway, I want to initiate this because I think this is really kind of. This is a cool idea, potentially. I'm listening. Open mindedly. Be open minded. I was considering, since you are so resistant to being in your office space. I'm not. I love it. Since you're so freaking resistant to being in your office space, taking some part of this space down here and moving your office into the podcast suite. And the reason I was thinking, it's not too cold, it's comfortable. No, it's way too good. No, I. Nope. It's a hard no. I love my office right where it is. I have the sun coming in from. I wanted to do that so that at Christmas time, when we have everybody here, I could have one more bedroom. Yeah. No, but this can be a bedroom. No, it's an illegal bedroom. You can't. Bedroom. We wouldn't call it a bedroom. We just put a pullout couch there and put somebody down here we don't like. It's all of our family. At Christmas time. Who do we do that with? We tell when you're gonna have to sleep in the bathroom? No, not when. Tell Jennifer when. No, you're serious? You would sleep down here, and it's cool. We just need to make that a pull out couch. But we like when, so we can't. Set the house on fire. Yeah. Which they like. You do like this? That idea? Oh, yeah. All right, so maybe I'll figure out how to create some, like, a bed space, some like. Yeah, crash space down here. There you go. Problem solved. All right, so you're welcome. But no, my office is not moving. Yeah, Jennifer. Jennifer and Matt can have that room, and Lindsey can have her room with Ericka. Yeah. To be fair, I will start using it because I do like it. I'm not making any commitments because when I do that, clearly, I don't always keep the promises to myself. I love how we painted it so nice. We put that beautiful mandala on the. Wall, and you're just not for my office. You didn't. You painted that for your yoga room. When it was your yoga room, it. Was going to be beautiful. Don't be pretending you did that for my office. We wouldn't have put a mandala on the wall in my office. That was not my yoga room. It's just your office. It's. Okay. Well, the sacrifices we make, it is a sacrifice. But you have a nice yoga room now, the red room. I do. You made that into a really nice yoga room. Yeah. And it's. And a bedroom. It's a nice room and a meditation place. And it is the one with the red walls. It's our bordello room. Don't become my love room. It's bordello room. It is beautiful. Red. Candy apple red. It is. Basically this Mandela effect is that people remember things differently than they actually were. And people are convinced that we've slipped. Through different realities or different dimensions and things were different in a different world. Right. So we're going to go through some examples of things that people remember a certain way. I'm going to ask you what you think it was. Okay. See how it actually works. We're playing this game from mentalfloss.com. dot. This sounds fun. A lot of the things. But what I'll do is I'll throw. A graphic up on the screen. Okay. Oh, on the screen. Okay. Got it. So that people can see kind of what we're referencing. Oh, okay. So the first one is the monopoly man. Does the monopoly man have a monocle or. No. Oh, all right. So I just immediately. You said monopoly man, and I thought of the little guy. Yes. No. I thought of another guy that does have a monocle. It's a food guy. You thought of the peanut guy? Yes. And peanut guy has a monocle. So I'm gonna guess it's a no. But I'm not remembering. I'm guessing. I think he does. Yeah. So everybody thinks that in his name. Do you know the Monopoly man's name? No. Rich Uncle Penny bags. Uncle Pennybags? I don't know that I ever knew that, but that's okay. Okay. Does he? He must that. He does not. He does not. I'll bet you people think that he does, because people do. They don't say it out loud, but they go from monopoly man to the peanut to the peanut guy. I always thought it was people would go to Colonel Sanders for some reason in my head, but I don't know. Oh, that's also good. That's a good way to go, too. I can say. I don't know. But the media. The first picture I thought of was peanut guy. Okay, so that means that peanut butter. Yes, you did. Okay. This is like Jimmy Fallon's games, where the last round is like, 10,000 points. So no matter what happens if you win the last one, we can't be. Like, nobody can live to live up to tiebreaker Fallon games. Go ahead. Number two is Jiffy peanut butter. Is it Jiffy or Jiff? Oh, Jeff. Is it Jiffy or Jif? It's Jiff. It's Jeff. You are right. So people. People are convinced of it's Jiffy. Yep. But a lot of people think that it's because there's skippy peanut butter. Ah, that makes sense. Jiffy and skippy. That makes sense. Yeah. No, it's Jiff. That I know. So the next one is silence of the Lambs. Great movie. Yep. People think that it's during the scene where they're imprisoned. Hannibal. Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling. And they. Based on the novel, it's hello, Clarice. Or is it good morning? I know it is hello, Clarice. Hello, Clarice. He does call her by her name. Is it hello or good morning, though? I think it's hello. I think you're right. It's good morning. So during the first meeting, he says good morning. He doesn't say her name at all. Oh, I just have. I just. You know what it is when you watch that movie? You get, like, just the creepy way he says Clarice into your head. And you feel like he uses that all the time. Yep. Yeah. It's like, so people remember Lecter greeting Starling. And remember, I'm saying Clarice in a melodic tone. Yeah. False memory of the classic hello, Clarice. Wow. Okay, so the next one. That's really cool. The fruit of a loom label. Yeah. People have a prom recollection of the cornucopia from a label inside of a popular brand of underwear. Yep. Was the cornucopia there? No. Yeah, it was guys heads with different fruits. No, no, no. Yes. It was on the commercial. Not on the commercial. On the underwear. Oh, you mean actually in the underwear on the underwear? That I don't know. No, there's. I never had fruit of the ornucopia. I never had fruit of them underwear. We were all girls in our house. There's no basket. Yeah, there's no basket. But the ad had a basket of guys heads wrapped in fruit. Don't you remember the ad? I can't say that I do. I can't say that I. Did anybody remember the ad? They did know it didn't have a bath. I don't. I don't remember the ad. We'll look up that ad. You have to look up that ad and show a little clip on here. Just so people know I'm not crazy or prove I am. But I remember. I remember. I remember the grape head guy. I remember the grape. Yeah. It sounds really creepy the way you're describing it. Well, hopefully you find a picture and we don't freak people out with that description. Okay. Okay. I have one for you specifically. Oh, no. What color is snoozy tail? Oh. I'm stupid. Gotta be black or white or both. It's white. It's white. I want to say white, but does. It have a little white? But does it have a. Does it have a little black pink? I'm thinking of Orfeo, who has a black with a little white. Now I'm getting all twisted. I'm going with white. With a black. With a black tip. Like a pink tip. Really? So I thought that black paint tip, and then you said, oh, you're thinking of Rafael. But no, I was actually thinking of snoopy. I love him. You do love Snoopy. That was a good one, Ryan. The next one is the Mona Lisa. Lisa have a smirk or a crown? That's the debate. She has a. Nobody knows she has a smirk. I. Why are your eyes unable to smile? Yes. You think she has a. Yes, she has a. She has a. She's like a half smile that people can't tell. Like, well, that's what I mean, that's why there's no right or wrong to this, because there is a right. How do you know she's not frowning? It's this word. It's smirk. But people think that the reason why people think it's a frown is because a lot of art depictions have people frowning. Oh. So it's just. That's. We assume it's a frown. If you look at her, she's smirking. Got it. Okay. But there is a huge difference. You can't tell what she's. You just don't know what she's saying. And if we didn't have all of the other images of frowny people, we would never have ascribed frown to that. Is that what I'm hearing? Is that the Mandela effect? Okay, got it. Okay. The next one is a big one. I want you to weigh in on this, too. Okay? Berenstein bears. Berenstein bears. Berenstein. Or Berenstain. It's ein. It's a I n. Oops, we disagree. She said it's a I am. That's right. Yes, I know. But everybody thinks it's ein because we say Berenstein. Yeah, it's a I am Berenstain. Berenstain. Say it like. Say like you're from the south. You get it, right, Bernstein? I like Paddington bear. It's cute. Little washes. The Tom Cruise movie. Just because, man. Oh, God. I barely remember. No, it's not hound dogs. Just take those old records. That's it. Yeah, he does the slide. Is he wearing sunglasses or no, when he does the slide? Specifically. All right. My instinct is to say yes, but now I'm guessing the answer is no. What do you think? I think it's my picture of. It is yes, but I'm guessing I'm wrong. But if you. If I like. If I gave you my gut answer, I'd say, oh, yeah, you had sunglasses. On, and now no shades. No shades. Yeah, no shades. Why did I ascribe shades to it then? Cause I totally have him sliding. Oh, top gun. Maybe. Maybe because he wore shades a lot in that movie. Tricky. Okay. Tinker Bell, in the old school Disney intro, does Tinker Bell make the whole Disney like logo with her wand, or does she dot the I? She dots it. She doesn't make Bell. She doesn't. She doesn't write out the whole word. Yeah, no, she can't. I don't think she can do is. That's a whole. That's a whole thing. She's dotting the eye. I don't know. I'll just agree because I don't know. A lot of people think that draws the whole thing. Yeah. And she does. Yes. And she does. And she does this. There you go. Yeah. The next one is curious George. Does George have a tail? Yeah, he's a monkey, right? He's a monkey. You think he has a tail? He has a tail. I'm trying to remember. I think he's leading us down the dark path and the answer is going to be no. But in my mind, he has a tail. But I'm also thinking of barrel of monkeys at the same time. You don't have tails. That's how they hide. They're just a, they're just like. They have, they have, yeah. They have arms and a tail, don't they? Yeah, the tails. The tail is one of the curly things. I thought. So I'm gonna have to go buy a barrel of monkeys. We'll have to go look that up. Now. When's looking up? Right now. But we're talking about curious George. Yes or no? Oh, good Lord. It's not like science. No, he does not have a tail. I said yes. He did not have a tail. He's never been depicted with a picture. Really? Yeah. Wow. I thought monkeys had tails. Really? Did you just look it up? Okay, well, shite. There were big ones for Jennifer, your sister. Okay. All right. In Star Trek. Oh, which one? Well, just overall. Okay. Beat me up, Scotty. Yes. What is the actual line? Beat me up, Scotty. You beat me up. Like, what did he say, Scotty? Beam us up. There's a bunch of iterations that people think it is. What is? Well, I guess it's not beam me up, Scotty, because that's the one that I know. Maybe you could be right. I have to go with that. But I know that's Mandela effect because it's. I basically say it all the time. Beam me up, Scotty. Yeah. Beam me up, Scotty. Yeah. And it's probably not right. Which one do you think it is? Is it might be. And this is in the series? Yeah. Well, there have been 700 series Kirk. We're specifically talking about Kirk as William Shire. Oh, my series. My era day. The original Star Trek. Beam me up. It's. I have to go with beam me up, Scotty. But I'm guessing a thousand percent that I'm wrong. Yeah, I'm going with you too. All right, we know we're wrong, but beam me up, Scotty. What was it? But he's never said be myself. Wow. We did adapt that, and I will. I'm going to keep using it as if it's true. Yeah. Beam me up, Scotty. Beam me up, Scotty. Right now. Yes. It's like. Hold, please. Hey, Murph, the next one is sup. In the classic Bruce Springsteen, born in the USA. Born in the USA. Oh, yeah. I. A red bandana in his back pocket. I don't remember. That is truly. I don't remember. But I don't have an image either way. I don't have. And is there a red bandana? I don't remember. I gotta pass. I was not this Springsteen. Dan Folberg, but I would. But it seemed like it would seem right that he would have one. Because he's got. Because he's wearing blue jeans if he wanted to be. Red band. Let's go with. Yes. White t shirt, blue jeans, blue jeans. Yep. I know. That makes sense. So it's not. It's. We're close. It's not a red bandanna. It's a red baseball cap. But everybody thinks it's, like a red. It's a bandana. I'll be darned. He's just got a folded up baseball cap in it. Yeah. Literally just. Yeah. So it's literally just a baseball cap in his back pocket. Oh, it does look like a bandana. You're right. But everybody thinks it's a bandana. Yep. Wow. Okay. And that was the end of our Mandela. Oh, we were. Okay. That's a cool game. We'll have to find a few more of these. Yeah. There's a few on this list that I didn't do. Yeah. I just don't know how. That's neat. We could use those in huddle, too. Yeah. These could be done. But that was the game. And that is awesome. So that is a wrap on today. We hope that you, like, subscribe, give us ideas, decide who you agree with. Pam. Choose. If we were to rename the show. She said. She said, I'm right. She's wrong. Who would be the I'm right? That's an important vote to drop. I'm right. Either way. Either way. We love being here. Hope you find it kind of fun and useful. Pick up a few tips about living and working together. Yeah. With dogs. And grown kids. And grown kids. And have a great week because we will see you next week. Absolutely. Take care. Take it easy.