She Said, She Said
Hosted by Pam Prior, Author, Speaker, and CFO, alongside Deb Reinhard, Chopra Certified and Master Life Coach, She Said, She Said is your go-to podcast for navigating the whirlwind of life, business, and everything in between.
Each week, Pam and Deb dive headfirst into the beautiful chaos that is life, with insights that balance both the business and the soul. From lighthearted arguments to stirring the pot on hot topics, they bring both wit and wisdom to the table.
Join them as they explore the intersections of professional and personal growth, all while keeping things real—and probably having a few laughs along the way.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
She Said, She Said
S1E9: Glasses and Binkies
🎙️ This Week on "She Said She Said" Pam and Deb share a humorous and practical look at staying organized through life’s little challenges. From managing binkies when their daughter was young to now keeping reading glasses within reach.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
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It wasn't. They bring you a problem and you say, okay, let's go do this. Oh, no. It was, in a lot of cases, they were, you know, the problems were, I can't get unstuck or I need to be in a different department to get some more experience or I want a promotion. And so it wasn't necessarily that the thing that you would do with them is troubleshoot with them. Yeah. And in coaching, you don't. Wasn't your pure coaching. You couldn't. And I was like, you know what? I see a value in a hybrid, your own specialty, because you're not problem solving for people when you coach and also help direct their thinking. I don't think. Welcome back to she said. She said, we're so thrilled. We're so thrilled to be back with you again. I am Pam Pryor, author, speaker, CFO. Entrepreneur, and I'm Deb Reinhard. I am a life coach and certified with Deepak Chopra and the INLP center. And I like to balance Pam out in this. I'm not going to do all the nnn's. I'm not going to do all the nnns. You can take all of those babies. You balance me and I balance the books. That's exactly it. And we are here just to talk about what happens in life in a 33 year marriage, partnership, parenthood, animal kingdom. Yes. That's. That's why we're here and let you know what we think about some topics. So rolling into this week. Yeah, big week. It is a big week. It's a big week. And one of the things that we were both corporate people for years. For years. I was in for 33 years. You were in for a different 33 years. And I'm entrepreneuring now. And you retired. I did. I'm now kind of. I'm now referring to it as I took a corporate sabbatical for. Oh, I like that. I have not heard that yet. I like that. It's a corporate sabbatical. You did a corporate sabbatical. I owe that to Malavika Kular. So, Malavika, wherever you go, shout out, Malavika. So your sabbatical, Washington, is really cool because you did. You got all these 150 certifications and became a life coach, which really, I would have argued at the beginning, you already were, because you incorporate an exceptional leader with coaching both life and work for your teams that were huge. But you said, you know what? No, I'm not a certified life coach, and I'm going to get the certifications and coach. Yeah, the coaching certification. I, you know, I didn't originally think, oh, this is going to be dramatically different from management and leadership. I didn't either. It is dramatically different. What's different between coaching and what would you call not management? Because you don't. I said, well, you know, as a leader director, it's probably closer to, I mean, it's definitely a skill that you employ as a leader in a company, but it is, it is a very defined skill set that is, that puts you side by side with your client and together looking at a particular issue or challenge that they're facing and helping them to identify and experience and explore their own resources to solve those problems. A lot of times in a corporate setting, as a, as a manager of people, you know, you're being asked to solve the problem. Okay, we've got this problem. Here it is. Okay, here's what I need you to do. Got it. This is not that. So you, as a coach, even if you think you see a solution, your goal is to sit back and not guide, not influence, not direct them toward the solution that you see, but simply help them to explore the solution that is the right solution in the inherent solution that is inside them. I have so many things to say. It is hard. The first thing, hard work. Yeah. But the first thing I do is I put a subtle, I put a different subtlety on the work you do as a manager because you did a little differently. It wasn't, they bring you a problem and you say, okay, let's go do this. It was, in a lot of cases, they were, you know, the problems were, I can't get unstuck or I need to be in a different department to get some more experience or I want a promotion. And so it wasn't necessarily that the thing that you would do with them is troubleshoot with them. Yeah. And in coaching, you don't what, in your pure coaching, you couldn't. And I was like, you know what? I see a value in a hybrid, your own specialty, because you're not problem solving for people when you coach and also help direct their thinking. I don't think, yeah, no, I'm not a coach. But it's not, it's, it's, you know, it's not ICF to. Yes, to sit. ICF is the international coaching Federation, but it's, it's not in that. It's not in that vein to do that. Now, that said, when you are out and coaching in the wild, you can. Define your own personality. People define what they're, what their coaching style looks like they can do that. And it's. But I do like to keep my coaching informed by ICF standard simply because it acknowledges the fact that I don't have the answers. I am not the wise person in the room. That's the other thing that's really cool about it. You're not there to be the wise person in the room. You're there to really create a. Of the ability for somebody to reflect, to take on some different lenses, to ask really curious questions. And by doing that, they actually find their own ways through things, which is just, it's actually, I was gonna say, much more powerful and really phenomenal. And it sticks. Right. So different than you kind of troubleshooting with them and giving them things to try because they're not as invested. But when they come up with the issue. That's a good point. And you would come off those calls, and the thing that I noticed was not so much, oh, that was a great call. It was while they implemented what we talked about last week. Yeah. And that was really cool for you because you could see the progression when. You see people just taking it out. Yeah, it's exciting. That's really neat. And then what I saw, what you talked to me about is, you know, for most of my clients, that's what I'm doing. But for one or two clients, it take. It's a different approach. It is a different approach. So you do use your EQ to kind of go, okay, here's how we'll navigate this one. So that's kind of cool, but it's been fun. What else will this tool do now that you have them? This tool also helped me in the new job that I signed an offer letter for this week. Sabbatical done. Sabbatical just out over, but exciting. Yeah. I'll adoult the details later because it's not all wrapped up. We have signed one letter. I've signed a letter. I'm looking forward. So more news coming forward to a. Start on the 14 October. I'll be able to. After that, I'll be able to talk. To talk about it. So all goes, if all goes well, we will. And we'll have to find out if you can talk about it. You may not be able to. I can talk about what I do. I can't talk about the details. I don't know if you can name the company. I can name the company. How do you know? Because why can you not say who. You work for on a podcast? Why not? I'd be checking with legal all right. I can check with. I would check with legal. I have friends in legal. We can make up a fun name for it. That's not that. Okay. And talk about it. But yeah, I would check. Actually, that didn't occur to me. You probably do need to know why. You couldn't say who you work for because then you're associated with them. Yeah. Like, then they might have to do. It does not represent the opinions of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I may have to do that. I may have to do that. Just in general. Yeah, I don't. I don't know. We have to ask that. I will. Yeah, we may have to just clam you up about work altogether. All right, well, I'm excited about it. Except for the loose things like the struct, the coaching, the team building, stuff like that. That you can do. I see mystery on. She said. She said, you can say it, but. I'll just censor it like it's a curse word. Oh, I like that. There you go. I like that. But that'll be fun. Good work. Love that. That would be fun. Love that. So anyway, congratulations, because that's been a really neat little adventure. And it does seem like it's gonna be really good. I'm looking forward to it. I really am. It's people you like and know from. Your people I know and like from former lives, which is wonderful. It's doing something that I have, you know, a unique skill set to do, which is also fun and wonderful in. A not broken environment, which the old one became. It's just a place where, like, every person that I methemenous company to be not discussed. Every single person that I met was. Was so, so kind. And there were a lot. How many people did you interview with? I met with eleven people. Eleven? Hell of a process. Well, when you're going into an executive level at these companies, that's important. So, you know, I can see why. But that was a lot of people. It was a lot. Covid shot arm is sore. It's gonna be sore. Well, actually, is it Covid shot arm or is it flu shot arm? Do you think the COVID hurts more than the flu? Yeah, I got them both that same night. I got them both in the same. Arm, but I've had no, zero. She told me to do different arms. I didn't. Can you do both arms because of your lymph thing from the. I could if I wanted to, but I. Okay, but she suggested both arms, which is great, but I've never had any. Any, um, symptoms or issues from getting the shot. I didn't either. And there are people. No, I mean, yesterday, maybe for 15 minutes, like in the afternoon, which was this day after I go, well, God, I got a couple chills here. This feels like a little bit like a chill. I know. You saying that. Yeah, 15 minutes was gone. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, oh, maybe that's the COVID thing. And then it was. And it's worth it to pick it up because it's. It's that it's out and about. Well, and it's also a brand new shot. It is a new vaccine. And no, we don't want to get into the whole vaccine discussion. This is just a comment on. We've done not going to do that discussion, but it is nice to have it done and know I feel like I'm doing my part there. So what was the second thing we were going to cover today? We were going to talk about. Fun talking. We should call this episode glasses and biggies, by the way. So when Lindsey was born, and just to follow up on last week's conversation, one of those two things, one of the things I said was, we're going to go out and buy 100 binkies, pacifiers, whatever you call them, because I want to have a bowl of them in every room, and I want to have a bag of them in each car, because I do not want to ever be without a binky. There's another controversial topic. I know a lot of people say, don't use them, that's fine. Do you? We use binkies. And she's great. She survived it. Yeah, her oral care is fine. Yeah. But I did not want to ever not have a binky. So we literally had bowls of these. Everywhere, fish bowls worth of sterilized. And we would just take and wash, sterilize them, put them back in the bowl. Sterilize the bowl. Anytime one hit the floor, we just grabbed a new one. It was because we did have a. Pile ready to be sterilized all the time, too, because we'd use them, throw them in that pile, then we'd sort them back into the. Into the other places. And it was so handy, it was so convenient, and it just made life easy. So now, a bunch of years later. Many years later, we need reading glasses. We no longer need binkies everywhere. Now we need reading glasses everywhere because we're blind as bats. I ordered. You ordered 30 pairs. Well, let's not jump to that. That's extreme. Okay. Okay. All right. We would go get them when we needed them. Like, I'd go to see. They showed up in our Christmas. Yeah, pair here, there, pair there. But I never had a pair of glasses with me when I needed it. Like, it was just never where I needed it. So I thought this worked for binkies. It'll work for glasses. So I ordered what I thought. I thought, okay, were ten pairs of glasses. It was ten cases of six glasses each. It was 60. Oh, it was a lot. It was okay. It was a lot. And I. And it was 30 each of two different prescriptions because I actually not prescriptions strengths because I use one for reading close up and one for the computer. And this box came and I knew. I went, oh, my God, I know what this is. And I told Deb and she just went, you did what? But for a while it sort of worked. It worked. We had. We had piles of them. We had piles of them and boxes we never opened. And boxes that were not opened. But then we opened all the boxes. Eventually people would come here and know there were reading glasses and Trish and they take them. Yes, I do think so. Which is fine. We had enough. That was no big deal. But all of a sudden, like, nowadays, I think it's time for a new order. It's time for. I hate to say that, but it is. Two things have happened. One, the strength has changed a little bit. I need to figure out exactly which strength. I don't know that they're worse or just different. I'm not sure which. So I need to go to the eye doctor, which is. And just figure that out. I also want to know if Lasik can be tuned up. I think it can because I had Lasik probably 15 years ago. I remember that, which is really funny. Doctor Barry Wasserman. Doctor Barry Wasserman. He's a singer. And my dentist is a singer now too. I just realized that. Yeah, doctor Barry. Doctor Barry Wasserman. He's the coolest guy. He's pretty cool. So. And then I have my, my singing dentist too. I forgot about that. Anyway, karaoke dentist. My karaoke dentist. I can't remember his name. And he gave me his card and I think it got thrown away with other cards. So I'll have to get it again because he wants to go karaoke ing with us. Oh, great. But anyway, back to that. I want to find out if I can get it tuned up because what they basically said is when you get older, you're going to need reading glasses. He goes, I can't correct for that now. And so my thinking is if I go back, can they give it a tune up? What they did before was one eye for close up and one eye for far away. Oh, really? Yeah. Always. Always. Everything is just a tiny bit. But your brain. Your brain makes this, makes the adjustment. However. Amazing, far away has gotten really bad for me now. Like, if I'm watching Linda Eder on stage, not to bring up Linda etter again this week, but. Hi, Linda. If I'm watching Linda Etta, she's gonna think I'm a stalker. You are. If I'm watching Linda etter on stage, she's blurry, even if I'm in the third or fourth row. Right? So that's an issue. So my thought is this time, when I get the true up. True up. What an accountant. When I get the tune up. Tune up, we do both eyes for distance, 100% for distance, because I'm in reading glasses now. So do both eyes for distance. And then I will figure out at. That point what cheaters for. Then I'll order 60 pairs of cheaters and we'll split them up. We need some by the bed. They need to be in the bed. We need some in the car. They need some in my purse. Need some in my knapsack. Him in the bathroom. Backpack. We need them in the bathroom. I don't need them in the bathroom, but I do, I guess. Yeah, you need them. Let's think of the spots. There's by the. The nest. By my nest in the living room. You're off. The one with the velcro where we rip it off and things fall out, including glasses. Your office. Don't go too fast. I want to make sure we catch all these. And we're getting it on film so we don't forget. So we have the nest. The nest of the office. Two bathrooms. Yes. That's two. One, two. We need the car. My purse. Yes. The backpack. Yes. Seven places. Need glasses? Do you need glasses down here? Do you need glasses in the. Down here? Eight. And do you need glasses anywhere by the other side? No, because I am. Because I'm wearing prescription. Okay. So we need eight. So to me, that means we get eight of 80 pair. Because if we put ten in each spot, then it'll be five and five. But we'll hopefully only one. Well, probably still need two. Two strengths. Five and five. There is no way. It took a good five years for this other stack to erode. But you know what? We first, we got the cheap ones. We got the cheap ones. And that was one thing. And then you started buying the blue light pro space. Yeah. Those are really good. Right? And those are the ones I want. Well, you're not getting 80 of those. They're not 40 of those. They're expensive. You can get your expensive. Your dog's expensive getting 40 of those. 40, maybe 40. Okay, deal. Could cut. Sold. If you liked. Subscribe, like, subscribe. Drop your comments in below if you know of any really cool blue light glasses that look fine and they can't look too funky. She doesn't like the ones that, like, look orange or yellow or anything like that. They have to be subtle. But. But she will take, like, cool, fun frames. Absolutely fun frames. But not real expensive because I have to order 40. That's a lot of glasses. So. Yeah. Like, subscribe. We will be back. Was that the last segment there? Okay. Gosh, feels like we've just started talking. I know. I love these moments. Just how it, like, this is our. Time to catch our chat because. Oh, we know this. Right? We haven't pulled off the date night yet because we had to. First we had the appendix. Yeah. Then we had to save your strength for Monday night, for your two mile trek this weekend. However, we should do a date night because we said no exceptions. And then this all happens. Before you go away. Before I go away. We'll do well. Just get all your work done. That's all I can say. I'm going to need to get, you know what? If the work is never done, you'll always fill the time. You just need to get it to a point where you can actually walk away. Well, what I need to do is decide what the work hours are going to be on the weekend and then stop. Well, that would be an interesting way. And what gets done in the time that it gets done, because honestly, if it's not sustainable, it's not sustainable. New. New perspective. I like it. Doesn't it feel strong and powerful? It does feel strong. All right, we got to think about what we want to do on date night. Okay. Like, what's that? Oh, the movie's still out. We still got the movies. We'll do that. All right. Like post. Give us other movie and date night options. What are your date night options? What do you do on date night? Do you do date night? Let us know. We're really interested. I think this could be a very cool conversation to see what other people do on date nights. Since we haven't been very good at it, we're gonna need ideas. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. All right, see you soon.