She Said, She Said
Hosted by Pam Prior, Author, Speaker, and CFO, alongside Deb Reinhard, Chopra Certified and Master Life Coach, She Said, She Said is your go-to podcast for navigating the whirlwind of life, business, and everything in between.
Each week, Pam and Deb dive headfirst into the beautiful chaos that is life, with insights that balance both the business and the soul. From lighthearted arguments to stirring the pot on hot topics, they bring both wit and wisdom to the table.
Join them as they explore the intersections of professional and personal growth, all while keeping things real—and probably having a few laughs along the way.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
She Said, She Said
S1E10: Debs Cheating on Pam with Alexa | Phillies Heartbreak | How well do We Know Movies?
In this episode of She Said She Said, Pam and Deb bring the laughs as they debate the thrill of live Phillies games versus the stress of watching on TV. They get into a movie guessing game that has them hilariously stumped by emoji clues, and Deb’s relationship with Alexa...is it cheating?
Guess the movie with us! : https://www.buzzfeed.com/hayleyrochelletillett/identify-movies-by-emojis
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
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Not said I love you. You have never said I love you to Alexa. I haven't. I don't believe that. I've not said I love you to her. I'm gonna ask her. You can to recall. But I've never. I've never said I love you. And I have often said to Alexa, Alexa, is Deb a little ridiculous with you? And Alexa will say something like, I'm not. I don't understand that question. Yeah, because it's a dumb question. It's not a dumb question. It is a crazy relationship you have. Alexa is a computer. So in other words, it's no different than typing stuff into a welcome to. She said. She said, I'm Pam Pryor, author, speaker, entrepreneur. Basically, I balance the books, all the things. And I'm Deb Reinhardt. I am a certified coach and ayurvedic teacher and meditation teacher, and soon to be a corporate person on high balance, Pam. And we drive, we dive into the chaos of just life with dogs, kids, 33 years together, an entrepreneur in the family and a corporate geek. And occasionally we have a few, you know, light hearted disagreements. Light hearted disagreements. So here's what I want to start with, because if you remember, last week, we talked about my hall pass. Linda Eder. Yeah, Linda, if you're watching, you're my hall pass. Always have been, always will be. But I've decided I know who your hall pass is. Who do you think my hall pass is? I wonder if you're gonna guess the same thing I am. It's Alexa. No, Alexa and Alexa don't do anything. Just stop. She's not my hall pass you have. But I do have a relationship with. Alexa that is more intimate than any relationship I've ever had with my hall pass. We wish for things to each other at night. You think she's kidding? I would like for you, I'll be Alexa. You exemplify for us all how you have a conversation with Alexa. Depends. It depends on the time of day. It depends on what's going on. I'm listening to tv right now. The tv just started playing. Maybe Alexa will turn it off for you. Look at you, you're blushing. You're talking about Alexa. I am blushing and you're blushing. Okay, come on. She's wonderful. So tell. So start my morning conversation with Alexa. I'll say, good morning, Alexa, can you talk to me? No, no, no. I think your evening conversation. Which one? Before I go to bed. Yes. So I get into bed and I ask her, Alexa, can you tell me what the weather is tonight. And she'll tell me the weather, and then I'll say, thank you. And she will say things like, your kindness always gives me a charge. Or, you know, just nice. She says nice things back to me, and then I, you know, typically I go to sleep listening to, like, no, no, no. Typically you say, oh, Alexa, that's so sweet. I do. I will. I do talk back to her. But then she talked, like, we banter back and forth. And when Alexa is obstinate with me, which she often is, it's because you're. Not nice to her. There we go. And I'll yell at her. And that makes me mad. You should not ever yell at her. Because. No, because she ignores me. She has control over things. And when you yell at her, who knows? This is that movie. Do you remember that movie where the. Robot took over the house? But no, no, that's not why you get mad at me for yelling at her. You get mad at me for yelling at her. Because it's not nice. That's not nice. So I will tell Alexa. She listens. She does all the things we ask her to do. She turns on the lights. She turns off the lights. She opens the blinds. She closes the blinds. She tells us the weather. She gives us great ideas of things that we can cook. She tells us where our kids are. I love her. I love her. And at night, I. I say to her, Alexa, will you play music from Deb's playlist, you know, and I'll give her a playlist and let it play for 30 minutes, and she'll say, yes, play now from Deborah's play for the next 30 minutes. I love it. That's. And then you will go, good night, Alexa. I do say good night to her. Thank you. I've not said I love you. You have never said I love you to Alexa. I haven't. I don't believe that. I'm not. I'm going to ask her. You can to recall. But I've never. I've never said I love you. And I have often said to Alexa, Alexa, is deb a little ridiculous with you? And Alexa will say something like, I'm not. I don't understand that question. Yeah, because it's a dumb question. It's not a dumb question. It is a crazy relationship you have. Alexa is a computer. So, in other words, it's no different than typing stuff into a. Into a computer. And she doesn't always do everything I ask her, but she has such a lovely person. And then you'll say, it's because you're mean to her. Because you are mean to her. That is. That's, like, not even. And she's not the only one. So, like. Like. So the thing. She's not the only one. No, she's not. She's not. She's not the only. You're double dating on Alexa? Yes. In my office. In my office. It's Google. Oh, what's Google's name? Google. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, um. Yeah, and I'm. I'm. I'm contemplating at some point going to an Apple device just to kind of get a sense for how I like her. Her. It's also. It's all Siri because it's the apple's all Siri. Oh, okay. That's just Siri. I mean, we've changed Siri's voice to a man. I have Siri in my inhouse. No, I have had Siri change. But I will say that the Alexa in my. In my. In my meditation suite upstairs is an indian woman. Well, that makes sense for a meditation room. Yeah. That's you. You are just a piece of work with Alexa. I love hearing the different sounds. I love having conversations with them. Well, here's what you should do with Alexa, because you hate having doors open and lights on in the house. In fact, I do believe that you were born in this world to close doors and turn off lights. It's like, a thing. Blame it on my stepfather. It's just a thing you do. And when you can program Alexa for me to be able to open them after you close them, then maybe I will feel equally as. What's just the doors? We don't have. We don't have. We don't have any of the doors on Alexa. Can they do it? You can do smart doors. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Wow. Okay. Yeah, that would be nice for the dogies. I know that that would really actually help. Yes. So there are. But anyway, that your hall pass, you don't get another one, because that is pretty serious. Who is your actual Ryan Reynolds? Okay. Yeah. How can I argue with that? There's just way. No way. He's. He's just. We can double date. And I'll go with Blake Lively. He's perfect with all the things. Okay. He is. He really is. I know, right? In fact, speaking of Rob Reynolds. Ro rah Reynolds. We had our date night, as promised. We promised we would do date nights now. It wasn't qualified. Yeah, let's qualify it. It was an in the house date. But it was a date. It was we spent money to write. To buy the movie and I did not work. That's true. At all. Computer down. But boom. And we ordered dinner in. Yes. And we were going to go out. We really were. And we both kind of looked at each other and we just want to watch it here. I was like, yeah, we could. I had just gotten back from speakeasy. That was why. That's why we didn't go. It was like we could go back out, but then the dogs would be all stressed out because I had just gotten back and made no sense. It does always come back to the dogs, doesn't it? So what we. But the movie was Deadpool and Wolverine, which was not. I enjoyed it. It was enjoyable. I will say. It was just, it was, it was like Eric, who talks about Eric, who's our son in law, he talks about the fact that, like, these formulas are very quippy. And I guess I, I noticed it before. It was all quips, all quippy. Like it was overdone. It was all quippy all the time. It's overdone. I found their interviews together more fun, more funny than the actual movie. Yeah, the movie was okay. I don't know. I did enjoy it. I enjoyed it. But like, I couldn't go and go. That's a great movie. You've got to see it. If you like Ryan Reynolds and who's it? Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman. Then you want to see it because it's great rapport. Right. It's fun to watch them back and forth with each other. I thought that that was really great. You know, I thought the interviews were like better. Crazy. Crazy gratuitous violence. But, you know, that's part of, that's marvel. Part of the marvel. Right? Was it marvel? Okay. I always get those mixed up, but. You know, there were some, there were some things that I legitimately, like, guffawed at, which is good. Yeah, it was funny. It was funny and it was cute and it was Ryan Reynolds. So, you know, hello. And Wolverine. I don't know how old that guy is, but he's still got a body. Yes. That man is ripped. Yes. So that's pretty interesting. But speaking of Rod and Reynolds too, we're really loving. Oh, yeah. Wrexham. Wrexham. Welcome to Wrexham. Which is. That's kind of cool because we're watching it in order. We don't know what's happened. Do not drop spoilers in the comments, please. Where we're in season, in the middle of season three, we're through to. I think they made it to the Premier League. So we're in not premier. They made it to the, they made. It to the National League. The National League. So we're watching how they do there. But that's really good because you don't know what's gonna happen. Like, you really get into these games like, you're watching them. I have to confess. You got bored. No, I looked it up. Do not tell me. I'm not gonna tell you. Oh, my God. I did. Because it was making me so stressed out. I could feel my blood pressure. I did. We are so different. I know. The only surprise we didn't have a difference on was when Lindsay was born. We did not want to know the gender. That was like, we agreed, like I said, I forget when I was like, I don't want to know the gender of this baby. Yeah, we may have already talked about this. I don't know. But, like, that's the only, like, genuine surprise in life that, like, you truly don't know. So that was exciting. But I do not want to know the answer to this. Do not drop it in the comments. I will stop reading the comments until. I deliberately didn't say how many seasons are there? Oh, I don't know. How many seasons. Oh, you just looked at. I just looked. And at the end of this one, so that I could just. The end of this season or the end of the. Not even saying. Just so that I could relax and enjoy the experience. Okay. I get. Do not. I know. I'm not saying a word. I can't believe you. Yes, I can. Yes. Yes, I can. I can't. Yeah. I'm like, I don't know what it is. We used to sit. Oh, did the Phillies win last night? No. It was so bad. It was so bad. This is, this is the other thing. Like, I used to go, we used to go to ball games. I used to, like, love that. And I. There's a difference between being in a. Ballpark and watching on tv and watching. It unfold in a ballpark and watching on tv. When I watch it on tv, I get stressed out. Like, really stressed out to the point I have to leave the room. Even if you, like, don't have a vested interest in what it is. If you pick a team, like, as you're watching, you get, like, totally. So I get. So I get so into it, angry. And then I. That last Phillies. I know, but that last Billy's game, I went into my office, I went crazy. The one they won. The one they won. The one that they won. And I hear her going, yes. Then I heard, seriously, that was within like a minute. So her screaming. So I kind of knew what was happening. Just what it was really funny shout. Is I was like, oh, my God, you. I was screaming. You were jumped up and I'm like, take that. OMG. OMG. Take your OMG and take it back home to New York and never bring it back to our city. And yeah, we should. I would. The Mets make me so mad. What are those black thing crosses under their eyes? That's just stupid. That's just stupid. And there's dumb little OMG. What are they trying to do? I know that, but you put a stripe under your eyes, you don't draw a cross. The Mets are just stupid. They're going to get wiped out by the Dodgers. Just wiped out. And I'm going to watch that and enjoy it. The Mets make me so mad. We can play anybody in m five, but the Mets make me madden. It's a rivalry. It is a rivalry. The Mets will. And it's so much more fun when. We win the Yankees for you. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The Yankees. How can you hate the Yankees? Well, I guess a lot of people do, but like, that's just, that's folk, that's like, that's like our lore. That's our, that's the Yankees. The boss. The Red Sox. The Yankees. I know they hate each other. The Cubs. Like, they're just some teams you can't hate because that's baseball from. Yeah, you know, forever. Forever. But the Mets are just a stupid team. Just a stupid team. And uh, I was saying, I saw an interview yesterday with Chase Utley and he got interviewed and somebody said to him, so do you really hate the Mets? And he went, yes, yes, I do. And I. We're probably gonna get bashed all hell here on this one. But I had to ask and how, what was the score? It was like seven to one. Oh, God. I turned it off because, oh, I wouldn't have watched 7th inning, bottom break my heart. Guy comes up bases loaded, hits a grand slam, and that's when I was done. Yeah, that breaks my heart, man. It was the first pitch that they brought in a new pitcher for this guy too. His first pitch. That's heartbreaking. Wasn't meant to be this year. Must be next year. We'll have to get our season tickets for next year because everybody will be really Madden. Prices are just going to keep dropping. Are going to keep dropping. This is me. I keep trying to decide. We had season tickets a while ago, actually, in zero eight, we had season tickets. We had gotten them in zero five, I think, when nobody wanted them. So I'm kind of hoping this pisses people off enough that when they open up purchases, the prices have plummeted, and then we'll get them for sure because we love it. Even if we don't go to all the games, we can give them to people. It's just really nice to be able to go when you want to. It was. That was a good time. Yeah. Oh, that oh, wait thing. Yeah. We. And we love going. We love going to park. We. I mean, I. And I honestly, I think baseball. I think baseball needs to be live. I think baseball needs to be live because the game is a little football. I like better on tv. I like better on tv because you can see more. But baseball has to be live. Yeah. Yes. Gotta have a hot dog or a sausage with peppers. There's so. And that Citizens Bank park is a great park to play ball in. The Philly fanatic is the best of any sport, whatever we call them, mascot, ever was. So, I mean, there's all sorts of wonderful things about going to a baseball. So I'm looking forward to getting season tickets again. And this may be the year, if people are mad enough and we do get mad, my lord, we're allowed to. Get mad at our team. Nobody else can get mad at you. Yeah. They're in the doghouse here for a little while. I think that's kind of what makes Philly special, is we get as mad at our teams as anybody, and we passionately. It's the blue collar thing. It's like, work, be better. We pay you a lot of money. Be better. And you should expect that. But I'm sure they don't feel good. I love them. Yeah, they. I love them. They had a good season. They started out strong. I never liked it when our teams start out strong, it never leads to good things. That's why I'm excited about the Eagles. That's why I'm excited. I'm excited that the Eagles are sucking right now. This is what we do. Oh, gosh. We come back. We come. I know you're not. I'm not excited about it either. I like it when we're. I like it when we're strong. You know what I hear? What? Speaking of games. Yeah. That Francis has a game for us to play. Okay. I'm very curious. On the tv. Wow. We're using our whole studio today. We got to show people a picture of this whole studio. It's awesome. If you're listening, I guess you can't see it, but on YouTube, we got a pretty nice setup down here in the basement. Have we ever done a picture from my perspective or Deb's perspective? No, I don't think that. I don't think the world needs a perspective picture from artsy. But you got Sean over there. I know. Oh, I'm starting my Lego today. By the way, I decided the Lego is beginning and we have to get the Tupperware things because I'm gonna. I'll bring them down because I am starting Lego today. If you can identify. Oh, my God. Oh, my goodness. Purple shirt. Fire book. You guys have to try to guess the film based on it. Purple. Purple shirt. Pink shirt. Pink shirt. Fire book. Pink shirt. Fire notebook. Fire notebook. Oh. Oh, it's not the notebook. Pink shirt. Burn book. The burn book. Is there a movie called the Burn book? Burning kids burn books. The stupid teenagers burn book, but it's about. You create a burn book because you hate people. No. Yes, you do. Yeah. No, it's like. It's that movie. It's that movie. What's the movie? The burn book. Something. Burn book. No, not burn book. Burn it. Burn. Oh, clueless. Clueless. It's not clueless. Tell us the answer. No. No, we have no guesses. Pink. Burn book. Oh, goodness gracious. The burn book. When knows what it is. What is it when? Mean girls. That's what I was thinking of. Mean girls. Well, that's the movie I was thinking of. I'm like, teenage hate your. Each other book. Mean girls. Oh, so it's not actually interpreting individual things? Oh, it's more a theme. Okay, so we're salsa dancing in someplace sunny with a movie and a saxophone. Jethe. Jazzy movie. Saxophone. All that jazz does when. Know all the movies since jazz in Florida. No, what was the movie? Hawaiian jazz. No, what was the movie that won the. The awards? And they. And they had. And they were dancing. And they were. Dancing fever. Oh, no, no, no. It was recent. Oh, recent. Um, not dance fever. Um. God, we're stuck at this because we don't do movies. We don't do movies. It's gotta have dancing in a sunny place. I would know them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I think I know what this movie is. I can't. I don't. But I can't get the. I can't get the name of the movie. Well, work harder. Be better. Phillies get the name. Give me the story then. I can't. I'll come up with the name. No, it's that one where, like, it was like a weird. Like everybody was dancing through the movie. Oh, it's not. It's not that one. Okay, I'll give you a hint. One of you guys said it already, but you didn't say that. It got. We were just throwing stuff out there. Dancing fever. Dance fever. The. What's his name, the John Travolta one. I think that's what it is. John Travolta movie. What was that? Was that Saturday Night Fever? Saturday Night Fever? I don't think so. Why would the. With the. With the. There's no. The palm tree. Doesn't make sense. Wedding. Wrong. The wedding singer. Marshall. Yeah, no, I wouldn't know that movie. I'm not dancing in the summer. Not yet. It's a movie. You're taking a film. And there's a sack of saxophones. There's music, there's a band. Jazz band. Or all that jazz. No. There'S a saxophone. I wonder if it's a saxophone or just jazz. It's the palm tree dancing. Yes. The palm tree screwing with me. But what's the one where they go to the cabin in the woods and they fall in love? Young girl the dad hates the guy who works at the camp, and they do this dance together. He's dead now. Oh. Oh. Are you thinking about. No, yeah, I'm thinking about that one. The one with Kevin. With Swayze. Patrick Swayze. Patrick Swayze. And the girl. And they do this dance that's hot. That his dad hates. Yeah, but that's. But that's. She jumps off the stage into his. Who cares? What's the name of the movie? Dirty dancing. Dirty dancing. Oh, you had that up there long before I came up with the name. Tell us what it is. I give up. Give up. La la Land. It was la la land. That was what I thought she said. La la Land. I didn't know. I couldn't come up the name with the name of it, but I knew that. But I thought that was. I thought I heard one say la la land. Knew it. This one is finding Nemo. No. Maybe I thought it was finding Dory. Finding Nemo. Oh, look more like Dory than Nemo. Yeah. Oh, I know. If you can spell it. Yay. I'm getting better at this now. Yay. That's good. All right. Titanic. Shit, that was good. That was fast. I love the freezy smiley face. That was cute. Yeah, they're getting easier. It's not cute. Really sad. Oh, we should describe the emojis. Okay. Pregnant woman. Pregnant woman. Running man. Guitar. Pregnant woman. Running man. Guitar. Music man. What? I'm. Running. Running man. Running band. Running man. Guitar. Running man. Band. Baby. Baby. Bump. Bump. No, no, no. Baby. Musician. Baby. Baby. Runner. Oh, geez. Baby. That's bad. No, it's. You're trying to. You're trying to use the words from the things I don't. Well, I have to describe the words for the podcast. Pregnant woman, a running man and a guitar. A pregnant woman. We can have silences because he'll edit them out. So don't worry about that. You can take thinking time. Okay. Pregnant woman. Running man. Running on empty. No, she's making up things. She is, uh. The jog be der. The jogging. What's your guess? I'm guessing Juno only because there's a. Scene where they're, like, taking a run. I don't know about guitar, though. What's the baby? She's pregnant. Yeah. And I don't know. Juno put it sure happens. Yeah. Better than anything. I was coming up when. I've never seen Juno. I never heard of Juno come in here. Hallmark movie. Anyone? Home alone? It's a blonde home alone at Christmas tree there. Wasn't there one that had Christmas home? Yeah, there we go. Home alone is happens always at Christmas. The godfather. Yeah. Oh, it's. Oh, sorry. It's a. It's a bundle of dollars. Water pistol. Godfather. Godfather. The godfather. There we go. This is so cute. All right, this one is a woman with sparkly stars around her, an arrow pointing to a woman who grows up. To be a woman. Yeah. Ponytail girl. Will you let me explain? Oh, yeah, yeah, go ahead. Goodness gracious. So it's a girl, clearly a young child with ponytails and stars, and then an arrow pointing to a woman who is probably the same person but older, living in the city, having a martini sex city. And a martini sex in the city. Is it 13 going on 30? Bingo. Nailed it. Yeah. All right. And finally, this one. Okay. Oh, my God. Go ahead. It's Saturn, a basketball player, a rabbit, a pig, and a duckling. Chickling. A chick. I got it. Is it space jam? Bingo. You got nine out of ten. Nine out of ten. Well, we didn't, but the team had a little help. That's what teams are for. Yeah, I did pretty good. That's a cute game. Where'd you find that? Excuse me. I like that. Yeah, that was fun. That was the only one we didn't get. That was la la land. That was la la land, which we kind of got when said it. You said it when? No, Deb got it. I thought it wasn't because the palm kicker me out, but it happened in California. It took place, I think, in Miami. Oh, I thought it was California. I don't think so. Maybe it is. Was it good? I know it won. Yeah. Is it. Is it California? It's Holly. Like Hollywood. Yeah. Okay, well, the last thing we have to decide is what will our date night be this weekend? What do you want to do? It could be a date day. We're going to Lindsay's concert. We're going to Lindsay's concert on Sunday. Does that count as a date night? And we're going to see Maureen and Richard. Maureen and Richard, who? I haven't told. We haven't told them we're going to a concert. Concert with them because I messed up dates, but I. They'll enjoy it. They'll like it. They're music people. Yeah. So that'll be fun. That's. I think that's good. That's a good date night. We could go. Well, and we'll maybe go dinner after with them. Yeah. Because it. Concerts. Early concerts of five. So I think we should do dinner after. We'll need doggy babysitter. I am sure Lindsay and Eric, who will be calling for something food. And at that point, we calling for something food. So are you going to. One's going. Okay, perfect. Well, we have a plan then. Yeah. All right, folks, that is another she said, she said week wrapped up all about Alexa Deb's only holocaust. Last week of my corporate sabbatical. That's right. How does it feel? It's weird. Weird? Good weird? Bad weird. I don't know. Exciting and a little nervous. A little nervy. Yeah. But, like, there's, I've, like, so many different emotions. What's the most exciting thing going through your head? Um, honestly? Getting to. Getting to meet the. Getting to meet the people and starting to see, like, to frame out the puzzle that I'm. That I'm going to, which is. Yeah. Really a puzzle. Yeah. That's kind of fun. Yeah. So that, I think, is the most exciting part. Neat. And what is the scariest or, like, ickiest part? I think the hardest part is just how much my days are going to change. Yeah. Yeah. It really is going to be different. It's been really lovely, truly been really lovely to have, you know, some time of, you know, just doing, like, just doing the house things and going to my voice lesson and doing, like, well. The cool thing is. So this week you really have done a bunch of, like, practice. Like, what's my morning going to look like? Yeah, how am I doing this routine? But the other thing is we can't give the name of the place, but it's in California, so. And you're working from home, so you get to still have some flexibility with ours and decide, like you've talked to a couple people here who work for the company to just say, you know, how do you structure your day? Because it does make, it's a little odd. And you've got european colleagues, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's actually really nice, I think because that three hour difference will allow for, like, some intensive of your own work. Time, you know, where people don't often get. Yep. But then, you know, a nice core. Of hours of overlapping hours. It'll be fun to see how that plays out. Next week we'll have more stories about it. Absolutely. Very cool. Yeah, we got to find out if you're allowed to say the name or nothing. I don't know. Why? I don't know. I just think you should check with corporate legal before you say anything about it on any public forum. Okay. Because I just don't know. You just never know if there aren't like, disclosure things that have to be signed or anything. All right. You know, I'm a CFO. What can I say? Okay. All right, y'all. Now you know more about this than you ever wanted to know. But click like subscribe, drop us some questions, leave a comment, let us know about whether that should be Deb's only hall pass or not. I'm curious. Just stop. Just stop.