She Said, She Said
Hosted by Pam Prior, Author, Speaker, and CFO, alongside Deb Reinhard, Chopra Certified and Master Life Coach, She Said, She Said is your go-to podcast for navigating the whirlwind of life, business, and everything in between.
Each week, Pam and Deb dive headfirst into the beautiful chaos that is life, with insights that balance both the business and the soul. From lighthearted arguments to stirring the pot on hot topics, they bring both wit and wisdom to the table.
Join them as they explore the intersections of professional and personal growth, all while keeping things real—and probably having a few laughs along the way.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
She Said, She Said
S1E11: Back to Corporate, New Routines, Finish the Quote!
This week Pam and Deb are talking about Deb jumping back into the corporate life, the new routines that follow that, and test their knowledge on famous quotes!
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
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Because it's crazy and it's very cool. But I can fold clothes like a normal person. You just don't like that. But what I can do. But you're not neat about your folding. Even though you don't do neat or obsessed with. Even though you don't do the very, very nice folding that I do, you will just like, slap, slap, slap. And even if it's wrinkled. But it's folded. But it's wrinkled. You. That's acceptable to you? For underwear? Sure. For shirts? No, the shirts. I go like this before I put them away. I go and the wrinkles go away. It's so true. And plus, we have the unwrinkle spray, which just solves all that problem altogether. Welcome to she said, she said podcast, where we're going to continue off on a conversation a little bit from last week and talk, as always, about the chaos of home life. When you have an entrepreneur, an executive, three dogs, a cat, and four kids. Yeah, it's awesome. I'm telling you. So I am Pam Pryor. I am a CFO, entrepreneur, author, speaker. Deb Reinhard, meditation teacher, life coach, and soon to be a working corporate person. Happily and beautifully together for either 33 or 44. 34 years. We're not sure. It's 30. It's 33. We're pretty sure. 33. Yeah, we're pretty sure. So you're getting back in to the work routine. I am getting back into the work routine. How's it feeling? It's feeling good. Have you still figured out, because I know a big deal for you is making sure that, like, the house, things that you like to get done, get done. Yes. And then I am going to ask you, which of those things can I take over in the morning to give you some relief? I. Is it the beds? No. Because, honestly, I think, like, my morning routine is pretty concise. I think there's nothing that I would necessarily say we have to give over. Empty the dishwasher. Oh, that would be lovely. So if we ran the dishwasher the night before, for you to empty the dishwasher would be great. Done. Okay. So we'll make that adjustment because that's a downstairs thing. And most of your routines upstairs, except. When I come downstairs, make you a cup of coffee, empty up the door. Because I like my coffee. But, yeah, the dishwasher. I'll do the dishwasher. Yeah. Okay. That's the only thing you need to take off your list for your morning routine? I think so. I think, you know, we'll probably have to iron out. No, but intended. We'll have to deal with the laundry. We'll have to talk about laundry. That's actually, I've got an idea for that. Yeah, you bring it down. I'll run it through during the day. Because here's the thing. This is actually brilliant. But no no, listen, and I'll do it. Right. Yeah. No no no, go ahead. But I got, I went to the doctor for my annual physical yesterday, and one of the big things is now that I got both my knees back and I can walk, he wants me to actually start working on a little more aerobic stuff. So he said once an hour, come downstairs and do five minutes on the rowing machine. And I'm like, I'm not gonna do it once an hour. But I said yes, but I'm gonna do it like at least three times a day. I'm gonna come downstairs and do five minutes on the rowing machine. And I've decided I'll work in my office upstairs because now that you're gonna be working so much in your office downstairs, that just makes more sense. So I'll be down periodically and I'll just keep the laundry moving. Oh. What was your hesitation about? My hesitation was that you're going to be working upstairs and I'm going to be working downstairs where the laundry is. So it just makes better sense for. Me to do it just because I'm, this will make sure that I go do it at least twice a day because we'll always run through two loads. But the other issue we have here is I fold. It's not, I have to fold. You are a bad, bad folder. Now let's qualify this. Bad, qualify. Let's, let's be fair. Just like I won't let you load the dishwasher because you are a bad dishwasher loader that I'll give you. You're not an orderly, like, structured, orderly person. Yeah. Because I keep changing my mind about where things should go in the dishwasher slots. That's actually kind of hard for me, but, but, and that's just, I would do less, I would get less things in the dishwasher and run it more often. You like, know how to basically make it a tetris thing? Yes. That will still clean. I always worry when we're packed that densely that it won't clean the in between things. But it works. Absolutely. But that's different than this. The clothes folding thing. I want to put some perspective. Okay. That's, that's a fair, there are massively obsessive, beautiful ways to fold clothes and let's, let's make those a ten. Then there's just like, throwing stuff in the basket and it's wrinkled and you throw it back in the drawers and let's make that zero. Yeah. And most people fall between like five and eight, and I'm probably a seven because I fold the t shirts. You know, you do this, you do this, you do that, you do that. I fold the jeans. You do this, you do this, you do this. I fold the underwear. You tuck them in. You do this. I make the socks be flat, but you have elevated laundry folding to another level. That's because I found, like, all of the folding reels so much on Instagram. That Frances, on our next. She said, she said we are going to bring down a sample pair of jeans, a sample t shirt, a sample sweatshirt and a sample pair of underwear. No, we should not do underwear. We are going to show them the underwear fold because that, I've got to admit, it's really cool. I can't do it. But my underwear is now lined up like soldiers. It's like, like you wouldn't even think you could fold underwear that way. Or we'll cut a piece of paper like underwear. So we're not actually showing underwear until. That's probably going to get us banned from YouTube that I'm saying the word underwear. No, but we'll buy like a. We'll cut one out of paper and show them how you fold this because it's crazy and it's very cool. But I can fold clothes like a normal person. You just don't like that. But what I can do. But you're not neat about your folding. Even. Even though you don't do neat or obsessive. Even though you don't do very. Even though you don't do the very, very nice folding that I do, you will just like slap, slap, slap. And even if it's wrinkled. But it's folded. But it's wrinkled. That's acceptable to you? For underwear? Sure. For shirts? No, the shirts. I go like this before I put them away. I go and the wrinkles go away. It's so true. And plus we have the unwrinkle spray, which just solves all that problem altogether. But anyway, so anyway, here's the plan. Okay, we've got it. Here we go. You'll do your normal upstairs stuff. You'll bring the laundry down. Correct. I'll empty the dishwasher. I'll run the laundry through. When I get the dry stuff out, I'll put it in your office with you, and then you can fold on your break. Yeah. Okay. We have a plan. It's good. It's only fair. It is. That'll help. So that'll help the morning routine? Yeah, I mean, the morning's not hard. I don't think the morning routine is dreadful. It just seems like you do so much in that morning routine while I'm doing other. While you're either working or trading one or the other. Yeah. Or sleeping. Sometimes sleeping. Usually meditating. I always need to get a meditation in the morning, and I now need to get a second one in, just for the record. Yeah, so there's that. Speaking of sleeping advice, look at the cute babies. They went on their walk and they're all wiped out. Oh, I wish I had my camera. I'd be zooming it all the way around. Hello, baby boo. So what has been the biggest thing that you notice in the difference between when I work upstairs and when I work in the nest downstairs? I think you are sharper when you are upstairs. Everything is just. Everything is just more. It's just more business. Chris, there's an energy about you that is better when you're upstairs than when you're reclined on the recliner. I really think the recliner is there to relax and unwind, and I'm confusing my system and. Yeah, you're nothing. Allowing your brain to take the best use of the space that you have. And you've got a beautiful office. I love my office. And you've got a great. Love it. You've got a great setup. You've got multiple monitors. You can really, really. You can be powerful in that space. And then your downstairs can just be a place for you to relax. And that is the other notice. The other night, I actually stopped working. At, like, six, and you came downstairs and said, I'm going to start doing this. I'm going to pick a cutoff time and I'm going to stop working at that time. This is my new theory. Is that not a new theory? It's an old theory. Everybody knows it. You will fill whatever time. If you don't have time boundaries, you'll just fill all the time. Your work will fill it. You'll always have work. But now that I'm putting time boundaries on it, it's more focused. I think I'm probably getting more done, even though it feels like I have less time. And it's the whole bahama duro thing. Focus on one thing. You get so much more done than you would otherwise. But upstairs, your. It's a start. It's a stop. Yes. It's just a neater beginning, end of your time. Yeah. How do you guys feel about that? Like, do you need to really be in a different place to do your work? Like, to me now, when I go in my office, as stupid as it sounds, it feels like I'm commuting, and I'm opening the door. Unlocking the door. Cause I opened the gate so the dogs can get in and out of. Open the windows if it's a nice day out and turn on the light and turn on the backlight, put on the machine. Like, it's literally, like there's a start to the day. There's an active start to the day. And it just. It takes that blend out of it. Roll from, like, I'm sitting on my recliner, meditating, sleeping, meditating, whatever, and then. Just start working on a spreadsheet. Then it comes. The recliner comes up, and I'm picking up the computer, and I just sit here and have. And make calls. Yeah, it. It really, really feels different. It feels. And yesterday when I was with the doctor, we were talking about more motion and more activity. This sitting disease thing is real, especially as we get older. I know. I agreed with you. I didn't never disagreed with you. And it's so, it's like, oh, yeah. And he goes, you're gonna find you're gonna have more energy anyway just by doing this moving. I don't not have energy, but it feels like there's more energy. So that's pretty cool. So I'm looking forward to it. Awesome. I've been having a good week doing that. It's good. I hope you. Hope you keep it up. Me too. Because I really like, like nothing. I also like that my living room doesn't start to look like. Like, the corner doesn't start to look like office with cans and bottles and computers, computer, piles of paper. Because that. That I don't enjoy. I'm gonna keep working on this. I'm gonna keep working on it. Nothing's easy where none of us are perfect, but I'm gonna give it my best shot. Just like date night check and an office check. Good deal. This podcast, go kill me. The podcast will. Will make you stronger. Well, and it is true. It's the little things we do every day that make the difference. Atomic habits, all the stuff. I know it all. Yeah. Just don't always do it all. Anybody else out there know it, know what to do, and just don't do it sometimes. Yeah. I like that sometimes guilty. Awesome. Ready for a game? Ready for a game. I hear there's a game. Okay. Okay. So today we're playing finish the quote. I have a bunch of famous quotes, I have multiple choice answers, and you guys have to try to get the quote right. Okay? So the quote reads, finish the Friedrich Nietzsche quote. That which does not kill us makes us stronger, stronger, weirder, meaner, or terrified. Definitely stronger. Stronger. I'll read the next one. Finish the Tom Hanks quote. My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. The choices are, you never know what you're going to get. Always delicious. A quick treat. Some people like it and some people don't. You never know what you're going to get. I agree. All right, the next one is. Finish the Robert Frost quote. Two roads diverged on a wood, and I. I took the risk of chance. Hardened path, one less traveled, quickest one. It's the one less traveled. Indeed. All right, then. We have finished the Albert Einstein quote. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must, a, keep your eyes open. B, wear a helmet. Three. See? Keep your ears open. D, keep moving. Keep moving. I don't know the quote, but I have to agree that it's got to be keep moving, because it's all about momentum. All right. Finish the eleanor Roosevelt quote. No one can make you feel inferior without your help, consent, money, respect. We'll go with consent without your money. I like that. Finish this Edmund Burke quote. Who's Edmund Burke? Read it. The only thing necessary for the trial. I know this. The only thing. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is blank darkness. For good men to do nothing. Willpower or bad luck. For good men to do nothing. Amen. Timely vote, people. Finish. Oh, your turn. Oh. Finish this well known J. R. R. Tolkien quote. Not all those who wander are, a, lost. B, forgotten. C, young. D, wanderers, a, lost. A, lost. We're gonna rock. Feeling strong. Finish this Dolly Parton quote. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you've got. A, put up with the rain. B, buy some skittles. C, look for it. D, wear a raincoat. I think. Look, I'll put up with the rain. I'm gonna guess put up with the rain, but I don't know the quote. I think it's gotta be put up with the rain. Dolly is. Dolly is. She is brilliant. I do like the Skittles. One. Finish the George sand quote. There's only one happiness in this life, and those are a. And that's all that matters b. And that is pizza. C, to love and be loved and d, to be worry free. Gotta go c. Gotta go c. Gotta go c. But I kinda like b. And that's pizza. There we go. Finish this Alice Walker quote. The most common way people give up their power is by a, overusing it. B, thinking they don't have any. C, ineffective leadership, dying. I'd say thinking they don't have any. I agree. I don't know the quote, but I think it's thinking they don't have it. Yeah. Okay. Finish the Malcolm X quote. If you don't stand for something, you will. A, fall for anything. B, become a couch potato. C, be forever indecisive. D, remain seated. Okay. It's a fall for anything. I do believe it's fall for anything. Finish the Mahatma Gandhi quote. You must be the change you wish. A, would just happen already. B, about to your God. You must be the change you wish about to your God. Okay. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Or you must be the change you wish about every night when you should be asleep. To see in the world. To see in the world. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Absolutely. Two of those are so scared that it almost. Yeah. This is quote by John Lennon. Life is what happens to you while you're a, dying. B, alive. C, living. D, busy making other plans. And that is the answer. It is. D, busy making other plans. I did not know that was John Lennon. I had no idea that was John Lennon. Finished the Amelia Earhart quote. The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely. This is so true. A, tenacity. B, girl power. C, a piece of cake. D smooth sailing. Piece of cake, I'm guessing. I don't think so. Go ahead, pick what you want. I think tenacity. Yeah. Yeah, you might be right. But I think tenacity is hard, so that's why I'm going with a piece of cake. Just follow through. That's hard. Damn it. We're not keeping score. Finish this well known doctor seuss quote, don't cry because it's over. One, be happy you survived it. Two, cry because you're sad. C, smile because it happened. D, that's not a good enough reason to cry. It's smile because it happened. Yeah, that's funny. Finish the oh, how do you say Ananin? Did I say that right? How else? Nobody's jumping in. Does that mean you all don't know for a change? Yeah, I think I'm right. I think it's ananine. Quote, we don't see things as they are. We see things as blank, disposable, inferior. We want to see them. We are. We are. We want to see them. It's we are. We want to see them. It's we are. And you have totally blanked me on this fight. And with that, we can call this episode a wrap. So if you like what you're seeing here, like subscribe, leave some comments. If there's anything you want to hear us argue about, feel free to drop a line and have or agree on. Drop a line. Drop a line. Yeah, I like that. Drop a line. Drop us a line. Drop us a line. Have a great week. We'll see you next time.