She Said, She Said
Hosted by Pam Prior, Author, Speaker, and CFO, alongside Deb Reinhard, Chopra Certified and Master Life Coach, She Said, She Said is your go-to podcast for navigating the whirlwind of life, business, and everything in between.
Each week, Pam and Deb dive headfirst into the beautiful chaos that is life, with insights that balance both the business and the soul. From lighthearted arguments to stirring the pot on hot topics, they bring both wit and wisdom to the table.
Join them as they explore the intersections of professional and personal growth, all while keeping things real—and probably having a few laughs along the way.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
She Said, She Said
S1E13: Halloween, Role Playing, and The BEST Candy!
In this Halloween special, Deb and Pam get into the spooky spirit by dressing up as each other — and the results are hilarious!
Tune in to hear them share their costume swap stories, from Deb’s high-energy antics as “Pam” to Pam's calm, mindful take as “Deb.” They also debate the best Halloween candy: chocolate vs. fruity treats. Who will win the candy showdown?
Join us for laughs, costume fun, and a few tricks and treats along the way!
📺 Watch the podcast on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL26742zt1GuRfu-4TXc2f-aQxxS6WhJrN
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Want a FREE Blueprint Call with Pam: https://pamprior.me/business-blueprint-call
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Work with Deb: https://ignitewellbeing.coach/
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
For More Information on Forward Press Media Visit: www.forwardpressmedia.com
Careful. So, Pam, Deb. I can't even keep it up. So what do you. This is what I look at. The silence. Just silence. It's not what you look at. So, Deb, how was your week? How was your week this week? It was really good. It was nice to get back into the swing of things in the corporate world. Yeah. Hi, I'm Pam Pryor, and you. Welcome back to she Said. She Said. I. Like I said, I'm Pam Prior. Well, of course, author, cfo, wife, mother, person who cleans up the house, person who takes care of just about everything. And I balance the books. I'm Deb Reinhard and I balance Pam. So today we're going to tell you a little bit about life. We'll, you know, get into some subjects, a little bit about what we do, what's been going on in the week, and, you know, we might share a little bit of stuff about 33 years of living together. Yeah. Let's dive into something wonderful. So, Pam, Deb, I can't even keep it up. So what do you. This is what I look at. It is not what you look at. The silence, just silence. It is not what you look at. So, Deb, how was your week? How was your week this week? It was really good. It was nice to get back into the swing of things in the corporate world. Yeah. I got all my trainings done now, so that was 125 hours of training that. It's a little draining there those first two weeks. But now I'm getting to know my team and there's such nice people. Everybody is so nice. Andrea and Susan and Mike and Mary. They're just the nicest. It's just the nicest people. I'm loving it so much. Yeah. Yeah, I can tell. I've been very, very, you know, kind of busy downstairs. Because you're working in your office. It's different. How does it feel working in your office? I really like it. I like it because I've made my office my home. There's a nice little chair in the back, and I've got a plant and a special lamp that makes it kind of, you know, Zen life coachy like. And people seem to really like it. And it's been a little weird adjusting to the time zone because it's kind of cool. I've got these first three hours in the morning before California wakes up, and a lot of my colleagues are in California, and I can get so much done in the morning, and then it ends up, you know, the last calls sometimes run till 6 or so. And that's kind of cool because it winds down the night with talking to somebody, which I love to do. Right, right. And I've been working in my office, you know. Yes, you have. We had a weird day on Tuesday. Yeah, absolutely. A weird day. I remember. So like you went up and. Normal time. Yeah. And I was in my office and at the end of the day you had meetings, I think. Yeah, I was in my office literally from the beginning of the day until like
8:00 at night. It was. It was wild. It was better than that. No, well, because I came up and went to bed at 9 and you were still there. I know, I know. Yeah. All right. What would keep you there that late? I just got. Went down the rabbit hole. Just went down the rabbit hole. You know, spreadsheet. Opened up the spreadsheet down the rabbit hole. It's just not. It's just not healthy. But I felt very weird about it because it was like the whole day. We just didn't interact at all and at all. And you know. You know, Deb, I didn't even realize that you felt weird about the day. I know. I told you the next day. Yeah, yeah. I told you the next day. I was just. You were just so busy. You didn't. Didn't even notice. Just out of touch. Yeah, yeah. Too. Too busy to eat. And you think about it, we used to work like that in. In our youth. We would go in that office, crack a dawn leave at 7 or 8. Yeah. But we were in the same office. That's true. We were sharing an office. We shared an office. I think that that made our very first job together. We shared an office. There were three of in it. Yes. It was a conference room turned into an office and it was fabulous. That's right. That was a little different. It's a very good point. Yeah. Oh, there you go. I love how the kids are all dressed up for Halloween. I know. That's so sweet that they got dressed up for Halloween. So how did we do on our date night thing, Pam? Oh, yeah. You know, I think we have to just call the concert we went to on Sunday, you know, our date night. I think that makes sense. But it's a little weak, don't you think? We didn't really plan it as a date night. I think we need to be able to give ourselves credit. I mean, you know, was a life. I do like that we don't beat ourselves up over things that we just truly, you know, learn and just improve each time. But here's what I want to do to make it up to you. Oh. You know, I've been so resistant to the Legos everywhere. What I'll give is a gift to you for having missed date night. Frances, could you hand us one of the Lego things, please? You get to build a Lego here over the next few weeks. Because I missed. I. I didn't push the date night, so you're welcome. I know how much you love that. That is the kindest thing could imagine doing. I have missed doing Legos. I know. I know. That's why I love you so much that I think I want to gift this to you. And do you know what I am. Going to give to you? You know what? I've been thinking. I've been thinking about this long and hard. Okay, you have not. You just thought of it because I. Just gave you the Lego set. Every morning, you know, you come downstairs and you let the dogs out of the door and then you kind of get yourself into. I let myself out at the door. Would you like to do a take two? Yeah, we gotta do that. Take two. Take two, yeah. So every morning I come down with the dogs and I. I let them out and then I kind of rest in my nest. I've had the coffee that you had so wonderfully set up for me the night before, which I am grateful for. Truly grateful for. And then I just rest. And I rest until I start work. And then I just work all the time. So I recognize that I leave the door open even when it's 32 degrees outside. So do you leave doors open all the time? It doesn't matter. It could be zero. I hate having open and close the doors, Deb. It's just one of those things that is really frustrating to me. But I'll tell you what. What's so frustrating about that? We should talk because you. What is frustrating? There is not. Nothing frustrates me about the doors. Can't even be. Can't even be you. There is nothing that frustrates me about those doors being open. But I know it. Breaking character. That's not allowed. But I know it bo bothers you. I know that it bothers you a lot. So you're going to gift me with. So I am going to do this. You're going to get it backwards. You're so fucked up. I'm going to gift you with two things. I only gave you one. I would feel, yeah, but I'm going. To get to do this. I'm going to get to do this for weeks. But it's one thing. I'd feel so out of balance if it were two. Oh, well, now I have to choose. You have to pick your best one. We need to. We need to manage the balance. Remember, I here to balance you. Yes, that's true. That's true. Okay, I think I'm gonna. I'm gonna give you. Goodness gracious. Don't get it backwards now. You'll regret it. So, Francis, do I want to pick up the poop in the backyard, or do I want to open and close the door in the morning and the evening? You better pick the right answer, Francis. I would go poo. You're fired. Oh, I can't fire him. You can. I would never fire you, Francis. Let's see. I think you know. You know I will. No, you know what? I'm not. I don't think I'm gonna do the poop. And you know why, Frances? Because how would you do the poop. If you did the poop? Because if I actually chose that one, I would just pay somebody to do the poop, which really kind of gets, like, defeats purpose. So I. Wait, wait, wait. Having the poop cleaned up defeats the purpose of cleaning up the poop. It defeats the purpose of the kind gift that we're giving. Oh, I see. Oh, bless you. Yes. So I'm gonna start closing the doors. Wow. Opening the doors. So getting up and down. You're gonna actually get up and down out of. I'm gonna get up and down out of my chair. Any time in the day you have to rest, and you're gonna spend your time getting up into that is truly a gift. That is the kindest thing you could ever do for me. And if you never empty the dishwasher again, it wouldn't matter if that. If you gifted me that. If you never. If you go think of a thing, Pam or Deb. I will, but I have to straighten this first. Oh, there we go. There we are. Is that bothering you? Is that cup ready to go to the dishwasher? Because I can take that now. No. How much is left? No, leave my cup. I've got half left, but it's probably cold by now. I can go ahead and wash it. It probably is cold. You want to get me some more? Should I get you more coffee? That'd be great. Here, I'll get you more. Thank you. You bet. I'll be right back. Just warm it up. Just warm it up. Okay. I'll be right back. Excuse me. Thanks. Me all. Do I really go to warm this shit up? Here you go. Here's your second cup. Did you want to go close the door up there? How long did you put this in for? It was till 170. Oh, no, in the microwave. It was for a minute and a half. Right on the half minute. How is that? It's great. Is it enough? It's great. Okay. I can't. I simply cannot. Well, I. Who normally closes these things out? We're not closing that. We're not closing out yet. I can. I just. I'm. I'm. I can't carry this. It's work, isn't it? It's work. You're welcome. It is a lot of work. It is hard to be Pam. It's hard to be me. It's hard to be me if I. Have to clean, poop and clean the. House and close doors and get up and down, empty the dishwasher and still be nice to everybody. Do the laundry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the things. And work my job. And work the job. I bring home the bacon, I fry it up in the pan. That's it. I clean up the pan. I do all the things you do. Everything you do. You are supposed to be done. I do. You're amazing. I know. Yeah. I'm going to have to take this on. I clearly, Pam. I can't do this job. I don't know how she can't do this job because I don't know how she does this. I don't know how she keeps crap rolling all the time. My brain does not think this way. And I can't sit here not speaking. It is killing me to keep my mouth shut. Like, I'm literally, like, pretending there's glue on my lips. I talk, I speak, but not very much and very slowly. I actually. I speak a fair amount of time. You do. I think it's totally balanced. What I can't do is this feeling of, like, I have to kind of keep, like, that. That energy, that boom, boom. Thank God we have our individual jobs because. Yeah, you are. Actually. You do talk a lot. What I don't mean is that you don't talk a lot. What I mean is that you don't, like, initiate and push things along. You just deal. Whatever we're dealing. You're in the moment. I'm in the moment. I'm just responding. And that's like my. But do you know what? I have a new appreciation for just. But I will tell you this. Like, responding is my. Is my strength. Like, that's one of the. That's one of the Things that I'm like, I am not supposed to go out and initiate my. My energy. My energy gets its power from response. Yeah, this is a good exercise for me because like it makes me listen more super hard. But the silences are like. I'm like, yeah, I could, I could, I could feel. I could feel your. Just my leg and I'm thinking like. What do I say? You know what? I just. We don't. I need more. I need more of a script or more of a very structure to. And I just rattle on. You could just talk about anything. I just rattle on. You're amazing. It's true. So, so you don't have to do it. What's your favorite candy bar on Halloween? Well, anytime I, I like a Reese's peanut butter cup. I like the balance of the peanut butter and the chocolate. I think that's also. I love like peanut butter ice cream with Reese's peanut butter cups chopped up in em. That is not the same thing as eating a peanut butter cup. But it's that mix of peanut butter and chocolate. I've done it even with like, oh, what's that? When. What's that magic spoon? The cereal. I get the chocolate and the peanut butter and you can eat those together and it's delicious. See? Yes. I only like Reese's peanut butter cups for peanut butter and chocolate. And my question to you is which one is the right ratio? The normal size or the little mini guys? Because they're different chocolate to peanut butter ratios and I. It totally changes the experience. It's true. It's true. Which is better? I. I think the, the rig, the, the original ones. The, the bigger size. Okay. This is where if you're Pam, you go, you got to tell us which one you like better. Talk to the camera and you tell. Talk to the camera. You say, which one do you like better? Drop it in the comments. I'm thinking, oh, oh yeah. Training. So let us know which one you like better. Do you like the little peanut butter cups or do you like the original size? I like the original size. I think they're better balanced. I love the dog. How about you? Which one do you like? He would eat them all. I think I like the big one better, but I like the convenience of the lemon bar. I like the convenience of the one. The best candy bar in the world, which is harder to find here in the US it was impossible to find in the US but now they have it. Here is the Bounty bar, which is milk chocolate with coconut. So it's a Mounds bar. But with milk chocolate. And there is nothing but, like my mouth sweating. That just takes me right back to my childhood. There's only one other thing that could take me back to my childhood that powerfully. And I can't find it anywhere. Concentrated super bum gum. It was what, in Germany? Super bum gum. And it was a long white stick. There's something really wrong. It was about that long and it was about. It was square. Like a square thing. About that long. And it came in this wrapper that had twist that twisted at the end. Yeah. And like taffy. When I used to, well, at one point steal a little bit of money. But whenever I had money, I'd go get super Bum gum and Bounty bars and Coke. That's what I lived on as a child. Yeah. That's ridiculous. Yep. But that's my Halloween candy. Yeah. No peanut. I'm pretty much a purist. I also. I just love a good Hershey bar. Yeah. With almonds or without? Without. Yeah. Milk chocolate. Just love a good Hershey. And you know what? As terrible. As terrible as that. This is like. I know that I have some friends who are very, very into the shishi chocolates. Like, you know, not into the shishis. No. Good old Hershey. Just give me a. If I want a melted made in Pennsylvania Hershey bar, just give me a chocolate Hershey bar. That's your Pennsylvania Hershey. If I go dark chocolate, then I could eat a shishi bar. Okay, got it. But I'm just not a dark chocolate fan. Just not. I have. I'll go semi sweet in a cookie. I've grown to appreciate dark chocolate because Dr. Koganski says it's good for you. I see one little piece of dark chocolate a day. You can have it. It's good for you. There you go. That's perfect. Are you going to throw us into the next segment now, Pam? I can rap. Oh, my God. I don't even. So I can't even imagine how you could have liked what you heard today, because this was ridiculous. But if you liked what you heard or if you liked what you've heard in previous episodes, give us a call out, shout out. Give us a comment, like, subscribe and let us know what we can do for you, what other things you'd like to hear us talk about. And just whatever you do, let us go back to being ourselves. Because I don't like being Pam. That's it. We'll see you. It's a wrap sa.