She Said, She Said
Hosted by Pam Prior, Author, Speaker, and CFO, alongside Deb Reinhard, Chopra Certified and Master Life Coach, She Said, She Said is your go-to podcast for navigating the whirlwind of life, business, and everything in between.
Each week, Pam and Deb dive headfirst into the beautiful chaos that is life, with insights that balance both the business and the soul. From lighthearted arguments to stirring the pot on hot topics, they bring both wit and wisdom to the table.
Join them as they explore the intersections of professional and personal growth, all while keeping things real—and probably having a few laughs along the way.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
She Said, She Said
S1E14: Thanksgiving Traditions, Favorite Dishes, New Turkey!
On this episode of She Said, She Said, Pam shares her turkey-cooking adventures, inspired by Landon from Mississippi, and the balance between old recipes and new traditions. Pam and Deb reflect on a memorable Thanksgiving in New Orleans, blending humor, heartfelt moments, and a little holiday chaos. Tune in for laughs and festive inspiration!
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
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Must have this year. So I'm always. I'm always on turkey duty. That's my job. I usually do a dry brine on the turkey. Guess what? For 24 hours with the turkey ahead. And then just normally do same way. Stop twice in two years. No, I'm not stopping. You need to stop. You tell her it's a great turkey. And what does she do? I'm going to change it up. I'm going to try something a little new this year. Just saying. I am going to still. I'm still going to brine the turkey, which is good, but instead of, like, slathering it with, like, butter and oil and stuff, I'm gonna do. I want to get one of my favorite Instagram guys. Landon talks. Landon speaks. Oh, Landon. I'm so sorry. I can't remember if you're talking or you're speaking, but he's from Mississippi and he talks about everything. I adore him. Can I just tell you? Like, I absolutely freaking adore him. Welcome back to she Said, she Said. When we're back in our normal role. Thank God Pam is Pam and Deb is Deb. I'm Pam Prior, host of Cash Flow Podcast. She Said, She Said with my lovely wife, also a cfo, author, speaker, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I balance the books. I love that she did the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I am Deb Reinhard. I am a meditation teacher and executive coach and now once again, working in corporate America. And while she is balancing the books, I am balancing her. It is true. Speaking of which, I have a story to tell which will get a very raw reaction. Oh, God. You will see now how this happens. Live when it happens. Are you wondering why I'm not wearing earrings? No. Why are you not wearing your earrings? You're gonna hear moans and groans from all over the room. Because I just dropped one down the sink in the bathroom under. No. One of the good ones. No, Pamela. So I tried to get it back, but you can't pull the drain out. Yeah, you can't. You'll have to climb underneath. You have to untwist the. You have to untwist the thing. So we can get it back. Yes, we can get it back. That's what I did. So you are a freak out. There you go. You get a live reaction. She's like a toddler. I am like, every little thing she can. Like, if she can put her finger in it, if she can drop something in it, if she can. It's my inner child. I celebr My inner child. In fact, yesterday, when. And I went to brews and schmooze last night at my favorite brewery, in case I haven't mentioned that, Aristaeus in Langhorne. And no, they're not a sponsor. I just love them. And as we. I get in the car, fired up, I'm like, oh, forgot my phone. When goes back in the house, gets my phone, I know it's on because CarPlay comes on, so I know they're getting close. Then we go to Aristaeus, and poor. I, like, sit down in one place and put everything down and I move to another place. Gwen just gently picks up the phone and the glasses and moves them to where I am. How many people need to. How many people need to pick up after you? Care. After you. Here's the thing. It's enabling. See, I think it's, like, really dangerous codependency, don't you? Yes, I do. You're a coach. Are we in trouble? You are in trouble. No, not I. We. No, no, no. CO means there's two people. Yes, actually, with you. CO means there are many people that are watching out for you. It's like, if we could wrap you in bubble wrap, we'd be good. Oh, there you go. Then I couldn't make things right. So tell me what the first thing you did when you came down to the studio today was. I dusted. There was dust everywhere. I think it's the change in the weather. I think it's probably the change in the weather. Plus, we don't clean down here. The cleaning people don't clean down here. You clean down here. Correct. It looks shiny, though. I had not dusted. It looks shiny. It's a good thing I haven't started the White House Lego that I'm going to be starting right here on the table. I honestly. I think, you know, I see you. Put more on the table, which would prevent me from. I didn't do that. No, no, no. That was not. Oh, I like that. I like the look. Oh, Trish, we can turn those little lights on that. We'd have candles if the battery was still working. Oh, that's true. Yeah, good point. So Thanksgiving's coming. We've had a little bit of a hiatus because you got a job and our producer got married. Yay. Awesome wedding. Congrats to Francis and Kaya. It was a beautiful wedding at a venue that was absolutely perfect. Perfect for them. Like, I've never been to a wedding that had a venue that was so perfect for, like, what needed to happen. During the wedding. Food was delicious. The ceremony was beautiful. It was. It's just one of those things. Your sister was so. Your sister was really efficient. She was so sweet. Your mom. Awesome, awesome, awesome. We had. We had a really nice time. Found out that your uncle, like, grew up in the same talent that I did. Like, literally, his family lives, like, maybe two miles away from my parents. That's crazy. It's insane. It was. Yeah. We hit it off with him a lot. He was very cool guy, a lot of fun, and he adores you, needless to say. Favorite. Favorite nephew. Although for any other nephews, I'm sure that he loves you, too. Francis is just always the favorite. We always know when we're the favorites. You do? Just ask my sisters. They know I'm the favorite. I'm sure. I'm sure that they would not say that. I think Jennifer's the favorite in your family. Jennifer is the favorite. Jennifer? Yeah. Because Jennifer is just the baby. She's just the easiest one. No, she was the baby. She's spoiled. Babies always get spoiled. All right, listeners, let's be honest. Which child gets spoiled the most in general? The baby. Oldest, middle, or youngest? Always the baby. Yes. Get spoiled. That's true. But who's truly the favorite? Always the middle child. Always the middle child. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they're the most balanced, sensible, wise. No, no, no, no. What if there is no middle child? Then you're like, all the things. Yeah. Ask Lindsay. She's all the things. Yeah, that's true. Well, she is middle child. So she's the favorite, the least favorite. And the one responsible for everything. She's never my least favorite. I love it. So Thanksgiving. I know. It's coming up fast. It was funny that. So we. We had a sisters call with all of the. All the sisters to kind of figure out what we were going to have for Thanksgiving. Doling out the sides, figuring out who was going to do what, figuring out whether we were going to try new recipes for this Thanksgiving or not. Yeah. It's such a weird balance between tradition and new stuff. Like we had for anything we were going to drop to replace, we all, like, talked about. All right, whose favorite is that? Do we have to call them? Do we have to call them and make sure. I think we did that with the green bean casserole. We mixed the green bean casserole. This. I don't mind. Definitely drop in the comments if you're listening or watching, wherever you are, like what your holiday, Thanksgiving sort of meal. Favorites are like, what are your Must haves this year. So I'm always. I'm always on turkey duty. That's my job. I usually do a dry brine on the turkey. Guess what, folks? With the turkey ahead and then just. And then I just normally do same way. Stop twice in two years. No, I'm not stopping. You need to stop. You tell her it's a great turkey. And what does she do? I'm going to change it up. I'm going to try something a little new this year. Just saying. I am going to still. I'm still going to prime the turkey, which is good, but instead of like, slathering it with, like, butter and oil and. And stuff, I'm. I'm going to do. I. My. One of my favorite Instagram guys. Landon talks. Landon speaks. Oh, Landon. I'm so sorry. I can't remember if you're talking or you're speaking, but he's from Mississippi and he talks about everything. He's talking. I adore him. Can I just tell you? Like, I absolutely freaking adore him. Every time he. Every time he comes on, I have to listen to him because we have. To drop his name in the. His handle in the comments. He's like one of my favorite people. Anyway, he asked in the. One of the latest things I had. Anybody ever had the mayo bird. And I'm like, mayo bird. And so many people have done the mayo bird. We're doing the mayo bird this year. So instead of butter, I got Duke's mayonnaise because they said you have to get Duke's. Cannot use any. You know, this thing. And I am doing the Duke. The Duke mayo bird. And basically what they said. No, no, no, listen. What they said is it causes mayonnaise, does the Maillard reaction. So it actually gets super crispy. As in lard. No, there's something between, like, the sugars and the fats. Is that like. I don't. I don't know. I have to Maillard. M A I L L A R D. No. M A I L L A R. D. I have no idea. Okay. Reaction. Anyway, we're gonna try it. I think it's gonna be fabulous. Everybody was on there, were like, it's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. So I think we're gonna do it. You know how my brother Michael does with his grilled cheese sandwiches? He stopped using butter on bread and use mayo on his bread. Same. Same deal. I use kewpie mayo as a binder for steaks. Yeah, that's really good. So. So we'll tell you about the next week. Well, not next week, but the week. After the mayo bird. I think he called it the mayo birth. We'll tell you next week. I'm excited how it was. I really, really. Am I. The only thing that I am that I'm a little bit sad for, and I have to decide whether I'm gonna, like, break and just make yet another freaking side is I really like the Ruth Chris. Yeah, me too. They're really more dessert. I know. They're so. Yeah. I would not. I didn't pop it out there because I didn't want. You have to make something else. But I'm like, yeah, but I could make some of the other things, and then you could make that. And then it splits up. Yeah. Nicely. Yeah, that works. So traditions. Traditions. We always have. We've always had Thanksgiving. We've hosted Thanksgiving for many, many years. We had one Thanksgiving where we didn't. Boy, did we get it wasn't just one, though. Here's what happen happened. It, like, was the domino that started this nasty effect. So 2019, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our extended bonus family, the sers down in New Orleans. But we were all together. We're all together. We were all together. Yes. Oh, that's right. It was the second. We had always had our huge family Thanksgiving here. So all of Deb's family came. All of my family came. And what we didn't know was how important this was to my niece, actually. First cousin once removed. Twice removed. Once removed. Who knows? Niece. My. My nephew's daughter's daughter really counted on this tradition of having Thanksgiving here. And she was devastated. She's very upset. So we're like, ah, it's no problem. We'll have it next year. Guess what? Next year then was Covid. So that was a nightmare. So that didn't happen. And then the next year was still Covid. Yep. Issues. Yeah. And then. And then we went to 22. Lindsay had met Eriku, and his parents invited us down there for Thanksgiving. And it was wonderful because they live in Florida. It's close to Eriku's mother's birthday, so it was an opportunity to celebrate. And they put out a spread. Oh, my goodness gracious. Like, the food spread over two tables. It was unbelievable. It was unbelievable. And that was wonderful. So there was 19, 20, 21, and 22. We weren't here. We were. So. So last year, we redeemed ourselves. Yeah, we did. And this year. And this year, we're redeeming ourselves again. And maybe we're even getting a little extra bonus point because Lindsay's gonna come with Eric, who said that'll be nice. Yeah. Because they're gonna probably spend Thanksgiving. Hopefully be able to spend Thanksgiving down in Florida most of the time this year that, unfortunately, they can't. But. And our plan is now. And I think. And we've. We've started to socialize. It is to do every other year. So every. To go with them every other year down to. Yeah, down to Florida. But, yeah, I. So tradition wise, I mean, I think there are. There are. You know, the kids come. We always. We watch the Macy's day parade. Sorry, Philadelphia, I love you, but the Macy's day parade is the parade that we watch and we watch. We go back and forth during commercials. But ever since the kids were little, like, they would get up. They would actually come here early sometimes, I think even in their pajamas. And they'd get out of the car, they'd run in the house in time to, like, catch. Now they're in high school. So we tape it. Yeah. I wasn't even sure whether, like, the parade was gonna be a thing this year. Like, are they too cool? Are they too cool for the parade? Sam usually sends me a text that morning, goes, could you please tape it? Yeah. So then we watch when they come up. So that's. I mean, we do that. I always, like, there are just some dishes that are always the same. Like, I'm. I always do that. I always do the turkey. Your sister. Chris. Chris always makes that sweet potato. She does a sweet potato casserole with marshmallows because that's what Jeffrey likes. It's always cranberry out of the can. I make that. Sam always. Sam and Matt always bring the same. They're always bringing the Mac and cheese. Real cranberries and Macs and real cranberry sauce. Of course. We had the whole conversation about real cranberry sauce versus cranberry. I love that. If it doesn't have jelly cranberry sauce, and I'm like, I don't know. Does it make me really tacky? But I like the jelly candy. It's like minute rice. Yeah. It's a thing out of the can. Minute rice is the best. It's not ripe. If it's got the marks of the can, it's the best. I think so. Yep. Yes, Absolutely. And then you cut it into, like, little circles. Oh, I adore it. I can't even. I'm, like, so excited. We don't eat it Any other day, any other time of the year. It's like that one day that you give yourself to eat it. The joy of that. My God, that's so true. But really, our biggest traditions are not really on Thanksgiving day, but the day after Thanksgiving. We. It's decorating day, Decorate for Christmas, start. Watching Hallmark Christmas movies. We don't turn on Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving, but then it's fair game. And then it's fair game, and. Yeah, then the Hallmark movies start. Well, they start. The Hallmark movies for Christmas start in July. No, they start for us, but they start for us. We start recording them so that we can binge watch them when we have time to watch things. Which I have to set up. That's right. Yes. So that's kind of our big tradition. So you're thinking of pulling the tree up? Because we're not going to actually decorate the tree till Saturday this year. A little change, because one of our bonus kids isn't able to get back. They go with their family. No, they do Thanksgiving with their family, as they should, but their birth family. We'll call them their birth family. But they're able to get back. So we can do it on Saturday. So we can still have what really is our biggest tradition. It is. So we're gonna. But we're. I. I'm gonna ask. I'm using this opportunity while we're on camera to ask when. If they can help me get the trees upstairs. This is what's changing before the end of the week. Thank you. Because I. I thought, wouldn't it be nice just to even not decorated, but just have the greens up while people come. It's kind of festive. It'll be pretty. It's festive, actually. It's true. I made fun of you. That's not made fun, but I'm like, really? We're pulling them up early. You made fun. I just made fun of you in the camera. That was me. But truthfully, it's awesome that, like, you make the house as festive as it is in the holidays. It really is. I kind of grumble and groan and moan. You don't do anything for the decorating anymore. I really. I didn't last year. You didn't. I didn't. Last year, to be fair, I was working. I count. Do you know who my. Who's my. Who's my ride or die for Christmas? Wendar. Wendar. Last year, I did. I did nothing. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what I'll do this year. Maybe nothing. Maybe Nothing. Again. She sits. Last year. This is so true. We were there. We're getting in the tree. We're getting like hauling boxes. I was encouraging. And she's sitting where she on the nest, feet up, working, laptop in her lap, working. You know, we have Christmas music playing. I like to. I like to do cookies on that day. Like we do the first batch of cookies. Would you have a first Christmas movie that you watch every year? Oh, no, no. Whatever. The Walmart. I think my. One of my new favorite Christmas movies is Spirited. I. I really love it. That's the one with Ryan Reynolds. Yes. And yeah, Will Ferrell. And it's kind of like a musical. Ish sort of thing. I will have to watch that. I can't remember details. I love. So when I was a kid, it was the Heat Miser and the Snow Monster. They were my favorite. I think that's the Year Without a Santa Claus is, I think, what that's called. And then there's the old Home Alones. I watched them, but I never watched them every year. Here's the question you have to ask every year. Is the Bruce Willis movie. Yeah. Die Hard. Is it a Christmas movie? Yes. Yeah, I think it is. Okay, so the guys on New Heights are arguing about this. They've been picking movies to watch. We should do this on our show. Then maybe we'll be as popular as New Heights. Wouldn't that be lovely? Yeah. They are picking a movie to watch each week and they picked like a floofy romcom. And this week they're picking the manly testosterone movie and they review it when they talk about it, which is hysterical. It's really hysterical. I'm sure it's hysterical. But the two of them are like my two brothers. They're like my brothers. They do. They do debate and talk and chat like your brothers. It's really pretty funny. I see John and Mike and John and Michael. Oh, I can see them doing that for days. For days. But we should pick a movie and like, watch it like crisp during the holiday season and then we can critique it. I'm game. Let's go. Let's do it. Spirited. Because I can remember it. Yes. And then I do want to watch Die Hard again. I haven't watched it in ages. I need to determine if it's a Christmas movie. I mean, the only thing is it happens to take place at Christmas. Like, there's nothing Christmassy about it. I know that's. I know that movie. Like Top Gun, though. Bruce Wallace, like every line. And what it's going to be. I just. It's one of those great movies you just watch over and over and over. Well, you and Top Gun. Me and Top Gun, yeah. The new one or the old one? The old one I know by heart. The new one I've only watched once was good. She's definitely the original. But the original one, it's good. It's. They did a good job. I was surprised. I expected it to suck, but I think he's such a odd perfectionist that he wasn't going to do it till it didn't suck. And it really was good. I thought it was all right. Yeah. I was really pleasantly surprised. I want to watch that again. No. So that's the scoop for Thanksgiving. But mostly we use the time to really be grateful for so many things. Yeah. And I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving because it is such a special time to just sit and be grateful, whether you're alone, whether you're with family, whether you're with extended family. Remembering all those things that I love to just really spend extra time in gratitude meditation during the Thanksgiving. That's what I was doing on my computer. No, no, it wasn't. But I do love that it reminds. It kind of reminds you and fuels you up for the holiday season. And we're having a massive family sleep. Family sleepover. Like, everybody's staying overnight, so it's gonna be. It'll be nice. Yep. Looking forward to it. Can't wait. So happy Thanksgiving to every single one of you as we roll into the holiday season. And we will see you, like, subscribe. Comment, drop a message. She did it. I did it. Next week. Have a great Thanksgiving. See ya.