She Said, She Said
Hosted by Pam Prior, Author, Speaker, and CFO, alongside Deb Reinhard, Chopra Certified and Master Life Coach, She Said, She Said is your go-to podcast for navigating the whirlwind of life, business, and everything in between.
Each week, Pam and Deb dive headfirst into the beautiful chaos that is life, with insights that balance both the business and the soul. From lighthearted arguments to stirring the pot on hot topics, they bring both wit and wisdom to the table.
Join them as they explore the intersections of professional and personal growth, all while keeping things real—and probably having a few laughs along the way.
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
She Said, She Said
S1E15: Deb's new glasses, Family "Chatscobar", What's in our Bags?
Pam and Deb are BACK with another awesome episode of She Said She Said. This week, their covering Christmas movie traditions, what is the family "Chatscobar", and break down what's in their bags. What will they find? You'll have to watch to find out!
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Produced by Francis Plata & Forward Press Media
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Got us hooked on these dang things. And I'll just record them, you know, 20 at a time. And Amelia's like hardcore, man. She's, you know, the fact about type. A personality, Type A, like just go, go, go. Yep. But when she crashed, it was Hallmark movies. It probably still is. But the thing with them is, like we know exactly what time. We know at 20 minutes before it ends, they're going to have a fight. And at 10 minutes they're going to, they're going to realize, oh my God, I'm a shithead and I shouldn't have done that. And at two minutes they're going to kiss and it's over. It's like, you know it every time. Magical. And it is, it's very peaceful. So. Yeah. And welcome back to she Said, she Said. I'm Pam Prior, speaker, author, cfo and. And she balances the books. That's right. I forgot my line. And I'm Deb Reinhart, corporate executive and now enjoying that life and also a coach and meditation teacher. And obviously I balance. Pam, clearly you needed to at that point. And this is the first show with your new glasses. Yes, my new glasses. So tell me about them. I will tell you about them. Fabulous. So optician in Yeardley, small, you know, independently owned shop. I know a whole bunch of things. Like it's been there for a while. Like House has been there for a long time and he's been there for quite a while. I learned so many things about, about optometry. So evidently in Pennsylvania you don't need to be licensed to be an optometrist. You can just go out, get a storefront, buy some glasses and sell them, which is mind boggling. But he's, he's licensed in New Jersey and he has a beautiful, beautiful shop of all of these very cool, like different sorts of glasses. And he's a design specialist. He's a design specialist, absolutely. Probably in the 70s, he trained in Germany. So he's really exacting. The lenses, the lenses inside are not carbon fiber lenses. They're like this magical material that they used on fighter jets. They have to be so crystal and so pristinely clear. I have never seen this well in my life. Dreyfus is the name of it. Not that we're sponsored Dreyfus Opticians. Not that we're sponsored Dreyfus Opticians in Yardley, but he chose the glasses. I probably never would have chosen them. I'm totally loving them. I have like, the compliments I've gotten have been really funny. Like our Favorite. Our favorite waiter on last Saturday morning, the first time he saw me, he goes, oh, you. You look like an evil genius who should be, like, up in the penthouse of a. Of a big skyscraper overlooking the city going, damn you, Batman. Yes. And I'm, like, living into that. I'm living into that zone. Last night, a young person said, those glasses are fly. Like, fly. I don't even know what that is, but it sounds good. I don't. It sounds like I did good. That's funny, isn't it? So cool. Not a very young person, just a younger person. I felt. I felt really cool in that moment. I love it. Yeah, it was a great experience. I went and got my new glasses and raved about it so much, which I never do. I, like, don't pay attention to that kind of detail. But I came home raving about it. Now everybody in the family's going. Everybody's going. Yeah, I went right after you. These are my readers that I got from them. And then the kids are going this coming Saturday. Yeah, very true. But I. That was a diversion. I didn't mean to get off on that. It's okay. But one of the things I was going to mention was. I totally forget now that I. We went down that road. Well, we can. We can own up to the fact that we have been very bad about date night. Oh, yeah. We have been terrible about that. Ridiculously bad. At zero success. Zero. Zero percent. No date nights. And I tried this last week. You actually. You actually tried? Yep. But we. We just like being home, too. Well, a little bit being home. I. I think, like. And you're tired. I will say this. I am like, I am in work. Yeah. I'm, like, in it. Which is. This is actually really interesting because one of the things we were talking about, I think entrepreneurs go through this a lot, too, is you're in work at a whole. Like when you've had a job for a while and you're doing the work, you know the people, you know the politics, you know the filter, you know who you can really rely on and who's trying to kind of pitch something. And you've got to be in that learning mode on top of everything during the day. So I think that probably leads to a different level of tire. It's a lot of new people. It's a lot of new people, which is challenging. It's all zoom calls because it's not in person. And it's a lot of. Right. And that's the. It's a hard way to meet new People and to really get a read on them. Like I. I love to be with people in person. Like, I totally pick up on their energy. Can. Can get the vibe it's a little harder. It's a little harder on the, on the Zoom camera, but. It'S been so exciting. You need to take my friend. Read my friend Brian Golke's speeches. He does stuff. He is great speak speaker, but not on micro expressions, but on facial features and what they mean about how to best communicate with people. And it's really, really good. You can, we can find you something on that. But if you guys are interested in that, look him up. Brian Golke. G A L K E. Again, not a sponsor. But what he does, especially now in the Zoom world, it's really important is every feature on your face says something about how you have used your muscles in your face for however long and therefore talks about how you. How you want to be approached, how you'll best be approached. It doesn't work for people with Botox, I imagine. Not that I've had it, but actually. He has an answer for that too. Really? Yeah. And I can't remember the details, but he has an answer for that. But everything from your eyebrows and their angle and their thickness and how close they are, how your eyes, whether they're deeper, set or smaller, which angle they are. Yeah, all ears. Your ears. All right, I will, I will read it. Get. Find me. I will. He has a deck of cards with all the different. All the different. All the different. Not micro expressions, but micro features. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'll make sure to connect the two of you. Cool. For sure. Anyway, very good thing to look up if you're interested. So. But what's in. Go for it. We go from no date night to. To Brian. Yeah, let's go date Brian Golke. There you go. But that. The other thing that I was going to mention is the. What you did this morning. What? Your morning. This morning. Go through what you did this morning. Like, so I get up, I feed the dogs, I sit in my chair and maybe either nap or just start to research some trading stuff or look at my day or set my calendar, do a little work for a client. What did your morning consist of? Okay, I got up, I made beds, I cleaned the cat litter, I got laundry together, I came downstairs, I swept the kitchen, I mopped the kitchen, I vacuumed the first floor, I reset the dog bowls because I set them up. When she says she feeds the dogs, all she has to do is put the bowls down because I. I've already set them up. The night before, I set up the food bowls. I made you your second cup of coffee for the morning. I made myself a cup of coffee. Yeah. That. I mean. Yeah. All before actually going upstairs. All before going upstairs to have 10 things. 10, 10 things in an hour and a half. It's a lot, but, boy, the kitchen looks great. It looks better. It's not perfect, but, like, rain and dogs. Yeah, absolutely. That's true. And it was a horrible rain yesterday. A lot of mud in the backyard. Very true. So one of the things that our team has asked us to talk about is family Chatska bar and how that came about. So we have a text messaging string for us and the kids, basically. And it's you, me, Ericu, Wen, and Lindsay, I think, are the people on. Yes, that's it. It's just the family Chatskabar. And it's. It goes now it's like a habit to just say Chatskabar, Family Chatska bar. Like it's a thing. Yeah. But it is a thing. It goes back to a game we played. Yeah. During. During COVID times. During COVID We were down there during COVID times. What was the name of the game? Quiplash. Quiplash. Yeah. And I had to come up with a name for myself, and everybody's like, don't pick a. Just a dumb name like CFO Pam or something. Pick something. Which is kind of where you were headed. I was headed there, like, oh, okay, I'll be CFO Pam. And like, I didn't know anything, so I just typed in letters. Chatskabar. No, no, you. No, you ask A bar was what you put in Askobar. You were gonna be asking. I was Askobar, which is a great name to come up with out of nowhere. Nowhere where it came from. I'm sorry. We were like, escobar. That's not good. But first of all, you didn't know it was mine because that would not be something I'd normally pick. But then y'all kind of broke down in laughter. Like, it was funny. I'm like, you told me to pick a name. So then it kind of just stuck around. So when we got to name our family chat thread, I forget who came up with it. I think it was probably Lindsay who changed it to Chats Gabbar or Lindsey or Wen. And now it's like, those are. Now we speak about it. Like, it's just, you know, saying Deb or Pam or. It's the way we. It's our family Name. We are the Chatzkobars. I bet everybody's got those things, like those family expressions or those things that you guys say that you don't even think are weird. Yeah. Like one example from my family, and you can come up with one of yours if you have them. I don't know. But one example of our family is. And this goes back, like, three generations at least, is Holder. Newt. She's rarin. Oh, yeah, yeah. And it goes back to my great uncle Newton, who apparently had. Was playing with. This is family lore. Was playing with his brother's baby, and she just, like, took off crawling away. And somebody said, hold her, Newt. She's rare and like a horse. Yeah. She's running away. And that has now become family expression that we say. And every now and then I'll say it, and people will look at me like, what did you just say? We don't have anything like that. My family. You don't have expressions like that? I don't think so. Wow. All right. Mike, John, Susie, Sherry, think. Do we have anything like that in our family? I don't think. I've got to think about it for you. I don't believe we do. I bet you do, and I did. We just now are so used to them. We were talking about that this morning. What are the things you have in your house or your apartment that. Yeah. Like, they're not necessarily the fanciest things. You ever got, but they've changed your life. But you live with them like they're things you use every single day. Little space here. Our bathroom, the master bathroom is over the. Over the garage. No insulation. I. I don't know if there's insulation in there. I have. No, there is not. You can look and see the ceiling. It looks like this. Freaking ridiculous anyway. Freaking ridiculous anyway. So when it gets cold outside the floor, I've actually shot one of those little radar gun things at the floor, and it's been like 35, 37 degrees. That's. That hurts on your feet, by the way. Exaggerating. It's cold. It's not 30, or maybe it's been. 40 something, but it's been really cold. Cold on your feet. And it's tiled. Right. So it's cold. So anyway, Donna McPherson, lover. I used to work with her. Not love her. Love her. Love, love her. And she used to work with us, and she gave me for Christmas one. Year a space heater. A space heater. And that space heater is the bomb. Yep. I would really like it if my wife in the Mornings. Turned it on before she goes to sleep. Downstairs to sleep again. Could just turn it on in the morning. I will do that. I can do one thing in the morning when I wake up. I will do that one thing when I wake up. That would be nice. Piece of cake. One little ask. Piece of cake. But anyway. Oh, yeah. Do you have anything like that? No, no, no. The other thing is. The other thing is that tiny little. The tiny little Bose speaker that we have, the water. The waterproof little Bose speaker which we got from Scalable. Oh, we got it from Scalable. Yeah. That was a gift from Scalable. Scalable. Guys. I sing in my shower, Richard Ryan for like a half an hour or 45 minutes a day with that. With that little speaker. I love it. Love it. Yeah, that is a great little speaker. And then, like, I just, like, I'm gonna pay attention today to those things. What. What do you have at your house, Francis, that you're like, oh, my God, I couldn't live without this. Probably like some cheap little thing, you know, Smart plugs. Yeah. You plug them in, they connect to the WI fi and they just. Basically, you can connect it to your smart home. Yes. The fact that you can, say, turn on the Christmas lights. There you go. Yeah. My Christmas tree goes on at a certain time. The lights go off every day. So we don't have just stuff going on. Perfect. Yes. How about you, Wen? What's something at your place that's like, oh, my God, I couldn't live without this. I use it every single day. Yeah, there you go. A little echo. We lean tech. I guess it's our generation. Wheeling tech. Yeah, it's interesting. I want to kind of think about this a little bit more today as I go through the day, because I think there's tons of stuff, like, tons that we don't even realize. Little things that you don't think about. Like, you know, this broken water bottle. Like, I can't live without this water bottle. There's a good Christmas present for me. Anybody who hasn't bought me my Christmas. Present, you just need a new oala. I love these oalas this size. Also not a sponsor. Owalla. Yeah. Not a sponsor. Our entire family. Family lives for oala. Oala sponsor us. We love you. Wow, that's really smart. Probably could. Can you. Yeah, you can probably just buy a. Lid on Amazon and a walla. Lid. Yeah. No. Yeah. Oh, one is saying yes. Okay, well, that. Somebody needs to buy me that for Christmas. I've already done shopping for you. Oh, okay. Oh, well, there we go. There's that. So I don't know if there's anything else hot from the week. The week is. So it's the week after Thanksgiving. Not to put a date stamp on our. On our recording, but two weeks after Thanksgiving, Geez, not a ton has happened in between. We did our decorating day, which was great. Yep. That was fun. All the kids came over and decorated. I sat on the couch and worked just like you said I would, because that's what I do. That's what she does. But it was fun to watch and be part of it. Yeah. Yeah. In my own way. What was the first Christmas movie you guys watched? We haven't. Yeah, we did. We watched a Hallmark. Oh, well, I. Hallmark. Hallmark is probably the closest thing we've watched to a Christmas movie. On Thanksgiving, I recorded a bunch of them, and then we watched our first one. It was from 2017. I don't even remember what it was. I never remember what they. I don't remember what they are. All I know is they make me feel good. There was a great meme, and I don't remember all the details, but the text was, this is Hallmark trying to test a new plot line. I was like, you know, I know exactly. This is how bad it is. They don't need to test a new plot line. The plot works. Fact that it is predictable is a part of the comfort. That is really true because our friend Amelia got us hooked on these dang things. And I'll just record them, you know, 20 at a time. And Amelia's like, hardcore, man. She's. You know, the fact about type A personality. A, like, just go, go, go. Yep. But when she crashed, it was Hallmark movies. This probably still is. But the thing with them is, like, we know exactly what time. We know at 20 minutes before it ends, they're going to have a fight. And at 10 minutes, they're going to. They're going to realize, oh, my God, I'm a. And I shouldn't have done that. And at two minutes, they're going to kiss and it's over. It's like, you know, it every time. Magical. And it is. It's very peaceful. So, yes, that's been our first. I just love seeing how they do it. But we were going to pick a movie to watch and critique. We were, but we. We didn't. Let's actually. We. I'm just trying to think, did we watch it? Oh, you know what? Oh, here's that. Die Hard. Okay, we'll do Die Hard. You know what we bought. We bought. We rented Conclave the other day. Too late in the day and I started falling asleep. I really wanted to watch it, but I. No, but I think our rental's over. So we'll rent it again then. We should have bought it. Should have. But you know, what do I say about sunk cost? Why make yourself miserable twice? Yep, there you go. Just like see that movie. It's just like worry. Here's the thing on worry. If you worry what you're doing, you're inviting trouble. No, today you're spending time being miserable about something that you may have to be miserable about when it happens or you may not have to be miserable when it doesn't happen. So you're either doubling your misery or wasting time on misery. Either that's worry. It's bad either way. There's no value in it. Value is zero value. There you go. We agree on something. I know we agree on a lot of things, Pam. It's. They said. That's right. Look out. Look out. We're agreeing. That could be trouble. It's the holidays, I'll give you that. You're just tired. You're just tired from too much work. There we go. So what movie are we deciding? I want to watch Spirited. It is like. It is my. I love that. I don't remember it. So that's perfect. Musical. I love it. With Ryan Reynolds. A review on the next she said. She said of Spirited. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, Yeah, I like it. Cool. You like it when we will watch it. This. I love it. Can we watch it together? Can we call it a date night too? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. With when? Date night with our bonus child. That's awesome. We'll be at home. We won't go out out. But we'll count. But it'll double count. Yeah, double counts as the movie ended. That's. Yeah. We could rent it. We could bring some food in. Yeah, well, we'll make. I'll put candle. We'll light candles. Because we don't normally have food in our house. We always. We'll actually bring some food. And we actually don't have food right now in the house. No, Our. Our son in law. I came downstairs, I'm like, oh, you're here. And he said, yeah. He goes, I don't have to work again and I don't have to teach again until 2. So I'm stopping by. I'm like, great. We have no food. Do you guys have any food in here? And I. I'm like, what kind of food we have like coffee snacks. I gave them. I told them coffee cakes, and then wen offered up all their snacks because when knows when bring backs when they come. And we've been saying we need a good Wegmans run for a week and a half. And my problem. You know what my problem is? I am torn between eating healthy and eating not. I'm not like, in the middle. I am either going to buy healthy stuff and never eat a bad thing again in my mind. Right. Or I'm going to buy crap and eat just crap. And so I'm like, I can't make myself. I'm paralyzed from actually making a food order because I'm like a food list because which one do I bring in? I think you could stay predominantly on the healthy side and pick, like, one. Or two little things that's the right thing. That will allow you some. Some indulgent pleasure. That's the right thing to do. Yeah. To get unfrozen and just do, by. The way, those little ice creams, the little ice cream sandwiches that you got the other day. Yeah, those are good. Those were good. Haven't had an ice cream sandwich in for years. I know. And I was just craving one. I did a double. Why that happened. But that was good. Good. I did a double dash. Double dash is dangerous. That's freaking double doordash. It's freaking brilliant market doordash. Then, like, when you doordash, you must have door dashed dinner. And then it Sundays, you have 10. Minutes left and you can go to another place, CVS or Wawa. So I sent them to Wawa to get ice cream sandwiches because that's what they brought. Like, this was. I was a marketing. A marketer's dream that night, because I went to the double dash and the double dash said, buy ice cream sandwiches. And I went, oh, that's a good idea, and bought them. Yeah. Like, oh, just. Just lead me down the path. They've figured out who you are. They do know what it is. We know they listen. I know we know they listen. Now we're all gonna see ice cream sandwich pop up on our. On our feeds. So will you if you're watching this just for the record. Yeah. All right. So today. Yeah. What we're gonna do is see what is in our bags. In our. Yes, I know. We rambled on a lot. You're gonna have to cut some of that stuff. Nobody wants to hear all that. Brought the bags down. Francis did. Who's first? You. Rock, paper, scissors for it. All right. Rock, paper, scissors. Best out of three or just one. Okay, ready? Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Oh, what the heck? In what world do you just go? That's like, not even a thing. Totally right. Okay, I'm ready now. Are you sure? Yes. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Oh. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Ha. Gotcha. One. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Oh, you won. All right, go ahead. So you get. No, that means you go first. Oh, okay. I guess I was gonna say you won. You get to. Get to pick which. My bag. Oh, my God. That's a big bag. It's a big bag. So only bring out fun stuff. Don't bring up boring stuff. Bring out everything. Everything comes out. Yeah. Oh, my Lord. Everything comes out. Work phone. Because you gotta do it faster than this. So we're gonna be here till Christmas. Work, home. Ah, that's interesting. The two phone thing. Not a fan. Not a fan. I would not be. I don't do two phones stuck with it. But not a fan. Wallet, Wallet. This is like opening a Christmas stocking. Wallet from where we want brands. Oh. Oh, okay. This is. What's it? The seas. It's Coach. Yes. Thank you. The Seas. Satin hands. Hand sanitizer. Thank you. Thank you. Trish Schellenberger. Trish Schellenberger. Mary Kay. A glasses case for your new glasses. No, these are. I think these are. Yep. These are my old glasses because he gave me so that I could walk out with my new ones. He gave me a case to put my old ones in. This is the case for my new ones. Oh, cute. Anne in Valentin. That's cute. Isn't it cute? Very cute. I thought it's gonna take her a year to empty this bag. This is like the Mary Poppins. You never know what you're gonna need. To broom out of there. I don't. Oh, stop. When you ought to put an image on top of that of Mary Poppins pulling a hand lotion. Nivea. Okay, hold on. Stop. Wet wipes. Crazy beautiful wet wipes. Oh, they said something else. Nausea oil. For when you're. When you travel on an airplane. This. This. These oil drops go in your nose to keep you from drying out. Lip stuff. Nausea oil. Nausea oil. It's Ayurvedic. You click it up. Look it up. I'll talk about that later. Lipstick, lip balm, and Pam's. Like sparkly lip gloss. I have all the lip things. Let's call it lip pens in a lump. Drop them. Oh, a peep. I have a Peeps. Although Peeps not a sponsor. Lindsey told us the peeps are like, dangerous for your glasses. Well, you have to be careful because once they wear down, they can scratch your glasses. Okay. Is that it? You're done? That's. Oh, that's that pocket. Oh, dear God, that's that pocket. Microfiber cleaning cloth. Oh, that's a pretty one. Yes, it is. It's from Chanel. It's from London. Does it say Chanel? Does not. Let's see. What's this? I'm not pulling out all the papers. I do have paper. This is one thing that we need to capture. This is the protein chart. So our doctor has said we need to eat 120 grams of protein. Protein a day, which is a crap ton of protein, let me just say. So this just tells us how we can get more protein. I'm up to 220. I don't know how the hell you do it. More lip things. This is mine. Oh, I like that one. You may not. How is that yours? Because I bought it. Oh, I know. It's. Imagine it's amazing to say, the car keys. Some breath strips. My car key. I need a new battery in my car key. Keeps telling me I'm the loyalty card. For the Yardley Refillery. So that, you know, we can order. That's a cool kind of store. Do you know what a refillery is? It should. And stuff like that. And you go back. Yes. You just go refill everything. Like, there are little tablets for. It's such a cute little place. Mouthwash, little tablets for toothpaste. All right. I have to keep. It's, like, completely green. There's one near us. Okay, that. That's everything. Mostly everything. Out of all those things, if you only could keep one of them, what would it be? And if you had to get rid of one of them, what would you get rid of? Excluding the phone. Excluding the phone, yeah. Oh, God. If I had. If I could keep only one thing. Yeah, I suppose I'd keep the tissues because I cry a lot. So that might be the answer. That's probably true. That might be the answer. If I had to get rid of one thing, I'd probably get rid of Dr. Kokanski's protein chart. Dr. K. I love it. I love you, Dr. K. Not a sponsor. I gotta figure this baby out, though, man. Because, you know, 4 ounces of poultry is 24 grams. Lean red meat, 24 grams. A cup of Greek yogurt, 22 grams, like. And I've got to get to. Yeah, but we gotta get to get to 124 ounces. Right. So here's the thing. I eat a 16 ounce steak. That's 100 grams. Then in what planet are you eating 16 ounces? That's just a pound of steak. That's just a steak. That ribeye I cooked last night, that was a pound and a half. No, I didn't. We split it so we each had three quarters of a pound. Oh, wow. So we each had like 75. 75 grams. So you do that for dinner. You have. If you like tuna fish. I do like tuna fish. Oh. There's a very particular way we need to put on the list when how to make a tuna fish salad sandwich. I won't do it today. Write that down. But in honor of Ari and because it's important, I need to tell people how to make a tuna sandwich. I'm not going to do it today. You're going to have to come back and figure out which episode we're going to talk about. The tuna sandwich. Need to work on this. Need to work on the protein tuna salad sandwich. It's not going back in the pace. All right, go. You. Oh, look, you actually left it out of the place. I have to. I have to work. Let's go. This is work. No, no, no, I. I'm. I'm on the clock, baby. All right, so I cleared anything out of my purse that I didn't want showing on camera. Oh, see, that's not fair, cuz I did not do that. So what we have is lipstick for sure. So many lip things. I have eye drops. Yay. Good. A zestylene. But this I don't think is watering stuff. This was because I had. Oh, that was those weird drops. Yeah, yeah. I had an. Not the very weird. They should not be. No, no, not those. Not the ones that should come out. Anyway. These are different. I'm just telling you a pen because you have to have a pen. I usually have more pens. My pen is in my. Is in my. An earring. Let me see if I have another one. I have a lid to something. An earring, a shell. And then I have you a lot about. There's the other earring. There's two earrings in there. They match. And then I have a crystal that I've had in there since I worked with Angela and wrote my book. Yeah. So that crystal will always be in there. And this shell I got. I don't remember from whom, but it will always be in there. Those two things I always know are in there. So those are the front pocket. Then I have this back pocket here, which Used to hold my wallet, but it ended up being a pain to. It was perfect for the wallet. So now it holds my business cards. So that every time Wen now says. And that holds Francis's business cards too. Every time one says, do you have your business cards? Now I can cockily answer, yes, I do. There they are. Inside the main bag, we have a. Band aid packet that is essential for you. A Purell hand wipe. Not a bad thing to have a key. Oh, this is the key to somebody's. Is that the P.O. box? Yeah, P O. Box. Yes, I do know whose, but can't say. This is my wallet. This amazing that that was actually, this. Is our bill from Charcoal. So we take the family to Charcoal. For breakfast every Charcoal byob. They are also not a sponsor, but we love them. We are so embedded there that if you ever go there and just put number on your channel. No, no, no, no, no, we don't. It'll end up on our bill. So this is our monthly bill from them, which I have to write a check for and take on Sunday. Have a deck of cards Saturday, because if I'm ever out, I have to have something to do if I'm ever out doing things. A charger for my phone. A loose credit card. Oops. And then she complains why she can't find her credit card. A receipt from Wegmans. Well, that's the thing that stays out. Oh, money loose. $40,$60. Just keeps growing. Where does that come from? Manifesting. There we go. Another lipstick. Oh, you go in the front. How'd you get away? There we go. How many lipsticks do you need to carry? Apparently a few. Then I, I, I was, I have. Them because she throws them at me when we go out and she's like, can you take these and put them in your purse? Key in my hair. Stuff. Hair. And that's it for the main thing. And then I have always have something I can write on because when I think of stuff, I have to write on it. So I just have a small notebook in here. And then. Oh, I got paper from something. Oh, the optician. It's my prescription for my glasses. Okay. And that's it. So, I mean, I would. Well, she's already left. She's already left the bill. So I have to, I mean, I have to keep the wallet. Yeah, you can. I mean, that's kind of boring, though, if it, if I assume I get the wallet. Put the, Put that money in your wallet. Well, I liked being surprised by it. I don't like being Surprised by it. All right, so there. Now I know. So there's the wallet. So we won't need it. If it weren't the wallet, I think it would have to be either the notebook or the cards. You could let. I think you could let go of the notebook because. No, I could never let go of the notebook. I do not do voice messages. Don't even start with me down that path. I have to write. That is the answer. The thing would do without would be the. The hair judge. Because I can always just leave that in the car. And that's really why it's in my purse. So I have it when I'm out. I recorded almost every song that I sang yesterday on voice memos so that I could give them. Oh, my God. When the music was so loud yesterday. It wasn't really so. Oh, my God. It was not. It was beautiful, mind you. But that background music was blaring. It wasn't. Yeah, you know what it is? So, I mean, Becky wanted me to sing full resonance. Got it. So everything just becomes so you had to. Very loud. No, the background music was definitely louder than normal. It had to be because I was. So that you could give it. It sounded great. Becky's right. It's a thing. Becky knows her stuff. Becky Ohrs. Not a sponsor. Not a sponsor, but South Jersey Voice. But look how good we'd be to sponsor. We just integrate, right? We don't do those break and do and add things. We integrate it right into the discussion as it should be. Outta here. Pam, let's go. Wrap it up. Okay. She said we're done. Thank you so much for watching. If you like this, give us a like, give us a subscribe drop any ideas you have about what you'd want to know about what it's like to live in a household with an entrepreneur, a corporate executive. Been together 33 years. One kid, multiple bonus kids, and three dogs and a cat. Have a great week. We'll see you next time. Bye.